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Celebrate Genshin Impact v2.7 with me: https://hoyo.link/774d2RA6
Thanks to Genshin Impact for sponsoring this video.
Use code “MTNUJBXDD72R” to redeem for 60 primogems and 5x Adventurer’s Experience.
Playing Minecraft while it gets more Realistic brings a whole new challenge to the game!
Welcome to Craftee where we take on different challenges and play Minecraft but strange things always happen. Today we’re playing Minecraft but it gets more Realistic! Let us know which part was your favorites and remember to drop your ideas in the comments for future videos that we can make!
Minecraft but it gets more Realistic
#Minecraft #But #Realistic
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🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
All music used with permission from its creator.
Celebrate Genshin Impact v2.7 with me: https://hoyo.link/774d2RA6
Use code “MTNUJBXDD72R” to redeem for 60 primogems and 5x Adventurer’s Experience.
Ok mmikuyggrdd
i like your videos but not this sponsor in the vid kinda
Craftee is more realsistik
Why is not a real life
You look great
Yes you are answering this is also hilarious I also really like this video
I meant to say that you are handsome
genshin toxic fandom impact
cool mate
No you are not
fun fact: 90% of your audience can't play genshin
One pare of my pants can fit a water bottle a normal water bottle
Fun fact: Osiris is an Egyptian god or more like part of the Egyptian mythology and his wife was Isis (ik this because I'm Egyptian and got interested in that not too far back!)
Minecraft but everything i touch turns to netherite
Yeah ymI
Craftee very hadsome
Ha ha ha ha I think this is
Im team genshin i like it
I have all your skin packs and I really really love your vids also I love crafter crafting
8:08 If it's before Christus, then how did they know Jesus existed?? Craftee exposed 🤣
when you run the torch is behind you (which will burn your underwear)
Craftee says: holypig
3 mil Subs what the hell u just do medeocre minecraft content
ummmm good vido
you pro
You sound like logdotzip.
What did happen last time
you say fucky
is nise
wow you nise craftee
ngl Yelan from genshin is kinda-
When crafftee wear glasses it looks like he is going to school
Pants also
craffte i think you are handsom in the back backpack iam 8 years
Hey crafty I’m a big fan of you and I want to be in Minecraft office would you mind playing Minecraft on the tendo and join me
is this in 11:42 diamonds like 5??
Sometimes you are sometimes you
i have genshin inpact and i love it😂
wtf its fake 16:59