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Minecraft But I Have MARVEL SUPERHERO Hearts! with PrestonPlayz 👊
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Mumbo Jumbo – How Many Minecraft Farms Fit in This Square?
Crainer – 350 MPH SUPERCAR VS ROCKETS! (Fortnite Funny Moments)
DanTDM – How Did I End Up Here?! (DanTDM Animated)
Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound
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He’s called the pool because he’s a dead person that have a medicine that makes him alive again so when he die he will not die
He’s a dead pool
Hi my name is wanda
He is called deadpool because he died in a pool
Hey wanda
U forgot Tom Holland
Also it’s because he can’t die dead also the means he gets killed a lot so it’s a pool of blood. Pool Deadpool
He's called deadpool becuase when he's dieing in the movie his friend puts him in a deadpool to win money (a Deadpool is a betting thing to see who they think will die)
Can you make sour patch kids merch
Ur my favourite YouTube
He's called deadpool BC he can't die .
It. Because. He. Can t. Die
Deadpool can't die that's why he is called deadpool
my sisters name is wanda
Deadpool is a deadpool
guys at exact 8 min 15 sec in bottom left u can see he went to spectator mode but still he never dissapoints us
Mam thank you so much i have been waiting for this for a long time and it is amazing because of you i want to make more videos
deadpool is alredy dead
galactus vs preston's big hand
Your really close to 12 mil
How does he not know about Wanada Maximoff!?
He needs to watch more marvel
Congrats 🥳 who found thise comment
Ratan is also in the movie free guy
He died in a poolXDD
Hulk hearts
I should put you on the avengers picture everybody is you all the avengers are you Iron Man looks like you Spider-Man looks like you and every other avenger even the guardians of the galaxy
Can you Photoshop your face or something like that and Photoshop the avengers picture and put your face on over the avengers for the heads
im first huston
Subscribe the Prestonplays
My name is "wande" Lol
Me saying to you:yo daddy so American
congratulations. I'm so glad this channel is growing so well, great to see a channel get the recognition they deserve. Can't wait to see where this channel goes from here.