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Minecraft But Everything I Touch Turns To…with PrestonPlayz 👊
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Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound
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Pricked SUnSeT sun- rises
It is very cool that you can change Minecraft into A rich world
you are the best keep it up
Love you Preston. Great Choice with you and Brianna. Love you both
The whole comment section are bots 💀
If you play cuphead I will subscribe
I have been a subscriber since I was 4 and now I'm turning 8 soon😁
You blew up my house
I feel gold then
Frost walker boots but 1000× better
Hi there
If your not scared and your brave watch a quiet place it’s very funny and it’s fir brave ppl who can take plant aliens
Awesome!! There were 3 videos in one!!
love your videos
8:21 ummmm
Creeper ohhhh man
i love your video
Preston: can we drill him
Me at 2:04 pm: ayo preston, u have a wife
Preston I think you should play this game called shell shockers it is a really fun and cool game 🤩
I love baby Paul that he is so cute 😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰
why not make fire merch for kids
But when baby Paul gets older and bigger he starts looking cool and at his last phase baby Paul gets so old that he ends up getting buff so big and becomes a emerald gigachad literally
/Emmy or greeny
Hi my friend
U were in desert so it can't rain. Minecraft logic I guess?
The big what
Chip chip chip
hi are you minecraft or roblox tell me thant we can play love you
u can still play it
hey you should do netherite
you know what i take those comments back u deserve to play this game
6:49 69 nice
Hey do you play mech arena
You’re my fav YouTuber pls pin me
Preston you lied when I click the subscribe button it didn't turn gold why didn't it turn gold this video was a clickbait hi Mr B's
What hoodie is preston wearing
LOVE the Zelda music!!!
my name is paul
Why Jump Water Turn Diamond
this is all of the I touch it turn videos