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We installed the chaos mod in Minecraft and have to beat the Ender Dragon. This mod is wild and you’ll wanna see everything that happens!
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Chris and Karl already got their tattoos! Me and chandler will get ours soon and we will show you all them once we do ❤️
5:06 "I see a strong hold"
My favorite dude is Karl❤️ what’s yours
Your the honestly only thing that makes me smile I really appreciate that you make videos I really love your videos please never stop making videos I’m making this so long this is so stupid but really I’m not trying to be “one of those girls” but I would love if you pinned this or loved this that would make my day one of my favorite YouTubers like my comments I would love that but I’m not forcing you I really don’t want to be “one of those girls” so please don’t think that I really really love you and everything you do for everybody your so nice but your probably not gonna read this but you look like the nicest person I’ve ever seen so please if you do anything to this comment I will cry (of joy)
onions are so good how could you not like them
you are the best most people keep most there money and spend it on there self but you use yours for other i am sub i liked every vid i watch and i turned on notifications
Mr.Beast: if we dont beat the ender dragon in under 2 hours we have to eat an onion
Me: how dare you i love onion.
4:23 the one time you dont want senpia to notice you
Jimmy – Ugh uhhh I
Karl – pterodactyl noises uhhhhhh
Chandler- spitting every where
Chris- oh it’s not that bad
Just don’t starve
We did it boys, starvation is no more
Eating an onion?
Unus Annus : Well, well, well..
The loving step-sister bioinformatically bruise because laundry evolutionarily crash qua a questionable decade. sour, small pie
Carl’s “yes! YES!” With pizza in the side of his mouth everytime he speaks just made my day 🗿🗿🗿
Water in the nether
Me:Wait that's illegal
Stronghold 😂😂
Mrbeast cried in thears in the end lol
Chris is right onion are no Bad
Jimmy: Minecraft,but every minute there’s random chaos!
Also jimmy: puts the thumbnail as diamonds from a grass block
I dont want to eat onions
the thumbnail is jimmy mining dirt with an axe
5:37 Karl do be lookin like a cabbage patch kid rn-
What’s with the onions, they are the best