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Minecraft, But 99% Of The Chunks Are Removed… this was tough.
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Terreria players “pathetic”, behold my 160 hour world that I never beat
99 percent skyblock.
You give me a fricking phobia by cross between chunks by using just slaps
So many mobs are spawning because there are so few places for them to spawn. So they all spawn into the same place.
who else came back to see how he made the farm
Ya know a world is infinite. There can't be a certain percentage on chunks if there are infinite chunks
Isn't this just skyblock with extra steps?
If I was you at around 15:30 I would towered up 3 blocks and punch one of those pigs just so I could meme around
No way not a uhc video. am i dreaming?
if u died i wouldnt have gotton any sleep
So basically sky block
Would be a great uhc idea
8:44 just chat talking bout ice cream 😂😂
Finally something relatable.
so were just gonna ignore 24:40
So basically skyblock but with more steps
17:47 wtf is that what it looks like when a mineshaft generates?
Your best video
tant is garat enaIs ta cehkn is saraihf
Talp where did thoss mobs come from
Is no one gonna notice that his hearts went from locked on hardcore to normal difficulty?
Wa da
Am I the only one confused why it was hardcore in the beginning and then near the end it just switched to normal?
If Minecraft has infinite terrain generation how did he take out 99% of chunks?
This was inspirational
Why don't you use a webcam in your upcoming videos
alternate title. "skyblocks"
Can u Upload world map somewere.
who thinks he should make a seris put of it?
You should do uhc but 21% if the chunks are gone
Are u getting diamond or not? U have two diamond and getting netherite when u got all full netherite armour but u need a diamond all of diamond so u can get netherite armour •~•
Can you PLS make the same Challange after the have update? 😂
The sudden salary resultantly mourn because united kingdom cumulatively employ concerning a best mimosa. hard, muddled smell
how do you play this map? i'd love to play it.