Minecraft Bugs Players DON'T Want Mojang To Fix…

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) āžœ https://minecraft.viki.gg

Throughout minecrafts history, there have been a few bugs which have stood above all the others for their powerful abilities, many of which players donā€™t want mojang to fixā€¦

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0 Tick Cactus Farm ā€“ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkV9iXii9_4
Gravity Block Duper ā€“ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cEpEPfwfUI

0:00 ā€“ Intro
0:42 ā€“ Click Mining
1:43 ā€“ 1 Block Ladders
2:15 ā€“ Fall Damage Bug
3:17 ā€“ Wallhacks Bug
3:53 ā€“ Pigman XP Bug
5:25 ā€“ Nether Roof and Bedrock Breaking Bugs
7:10 ā€“ TNT Dupers
8:20 ā€“ Sneak Sprinting
9:25 ā€“ Multiple Protection Enchantments Bug
10:39 ā€“ String And Gravity Block Dupers
12:37 ā€“ Zero Tick Farms

Music Used:
1. Scott Buckley ā€“ Discovery
2. DBadge ā€“ 6ft (https://youtu.be/FNUh2GOBKDI&t=299)
3. Lena Raine ā€“ Rubedo
4. C418 ā€“ Aria Math
5. Scott Buckley ā€“ Signal to Noise

If there is any content in this video which you own and would like removed, than please contact me and I will be happy to oblige.


26 thoughts on “Minecraft Bugs Players DON'T Want Mojang To Fix…”

  1. mojang really shouldn't fix any bugs that allows us to get exp easier when exp is so bulls#$*t in the game at the moment

    i also think tnt dupers shouldn't be removed as tnts are super expensive, getting gunpower requires killing creepers without them blowing up, and they don't even have a guaranteed chance to drop any, plus it requires sand which even though easier to obtain, similar to other terrain blocks isn't easy to renew (if even renewable at all), and we have to destroy natural biomes in order to get it, so until they make gunpowder at least a guaranteed drop from creepers and sand easily renewable, this is the best that we can have., maybe they could even add some upgrade to TNT, i think it's about time for that.

    and finally the most important mojang refuses to fix is… silverfishes i mean they remained unchanged since like they've been added in first place, the community must really love them.

  2. There are a few ways to make sand renewable. I like the idea that Husks should drop sand, which came from Vanilla Tweaks, and I like the sand layers that we saw a while back on twitter. A sand golem like the snow golem who makes sand layers would compliment both of these quite well. I have taken cues from Create's grinding wheels, and added recipes to worlds where the blast furnace serves as a recycler, allowing glass and gravel to be recycled into sand. Since glass can be farmed by villagers and gravel by piglins, this makes it very renewable for almost all players.

    Until we get some kind of renewable sand, I have no issue with sand duping, but I do draw the line that concrete should not be duped, since gravel and dyes can be farmed.

  3. my hot take is that mending isnt OP. minecraft is a sandbox building game thats all about player choice. mending is absurdly rare outside of trade manipulation, and you have complete personal control over if you choose to abuse it. they could fix trading super easily by just adjusting prices and what you trade to make iron farming less useful. overall, its only OP if you break the game, which is your fault and not the games

  4. List of the most important bugs they should def not remove:

    – nether roof
    – bedrock breaking
    – tnt duping (unless if they make sand renewable without duping)

    If you'd keep any others comment which and why.

  5. Damn. Candles are my favourite lighting detail on MInecraft and I only recently learned of the srting duping farm and was planning to use it next time I play (because I lack proper spider farms for string atm) and now I learned that they just got patched. Oh the misfortune…

  6. Fun fact, in bedrock edition, speed mining still exists, but you dont click mine. Rather, you stay back at max reach distance. (preferably channel mining). You can get a solid 15 to 20% speed boost from this weird bug.

  7. One bug that you forgot to mention that was patched around the same time as the ladder fix (IIRC) was the 'watervator' bug. Because of how the games physics and hitboxes worked if you placed water every other block on the side of a single block shaft and made sure it was blocked off by signs or ladders you could get insane vertical speeds simply by holding space. It was also a pretty common sight in early minecraft and I remember a lot of people being very upset when it was patched. I suspect that's also why they eventually added the feature of soulsand producing bubble columns later as it fills almost the exact same role but more legitimately.

  8. youve mentioned sneak-sprinting, but i have no clue if its just me, Elytras also have this behavior? Its a bit noticeable when starting to fly…?
    I noticed it cause I tend to sprint-jump and activate elytra for more speed…


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