Secretly I brought a brand new machine into this game of bedwars that allowed me to respawn my bed infintiely whenever it got broken all with the click of a …
you should do a super netherite challange in a uhc where there is cracked netherite and you can infuse it with diamond enchanted apples and lava and water also a bedwars idea is that you have a infinite xp generator and a book generator so you can make a enchanting table and a infinite diamond enchanted amour. this was an idea of what you can do so i hope you like also if you agree with this put a thumbs up on this comment so he can see it
B stands for Brilliant Gameplay E stands for Excellent Gameplay D stands for Dank Gameplay W stands for Wonderful Gameplay A stands for Awesome Gameplay R stands for Radical Gameplay S stands for Super Gameplay
when billy said im breaking all other seven beds my dog was like :O YOU WISH
Ure actually trash boiiiii
your not allowed to use that song in that is in the middle of the video because thats copywriting. That is Treytens song
baby: s- su-
mom: Look! his first words!
baby: subscribe to shadowapples!
mom: * confused unga bunga *
If u dont protect ur bed u are still gonna die and u will be sus
Minecraft bedwars but the floor is lava
You should make electricity aurmor and or wheather stick
It sounds so good I'm going to play it
7:59 "now he's in my hole"
-Shadowapples 2020
Me: just use a cover up ur bed noob
Billy should do normal bedwars
ur giving urself boosts and still losing but im more of a noob ive never won a bedwars game and i often use mods to help myself
Oh crap I’m a day late Sowwy billy
You died
SA: “the best game”
Me: U.H.C.
you should do a super netherite challange in a uhc where there is cracked netherite and you can infuse it with diamond enchanted apples and lava and water also a bedwars idea is that you have a infinite xp generator and a book generator so you can make a enchanting table and a infinite diamond enchanted amour. this was an idea of what you can do so i hope you like also if you agree with this put a thumbs up on this comment so he can see it
What server do you play on for bed wars
Are you stupid just run away to emergency button
Worst gameplay >:)
Good game
Yo shadow apples idea for mod:every xp level you get you get something Radom
W is for winning
I will sub if you put bed wars in your serv :p
just shuy up and play bed wars billy
Make secret beds all over the map and when you die, you respon and get a random item
B stands for Brilliant Gameplay
E stands for Excellent Gameplay
D stands for Dank Gameplay
W stands for Wonderful Gameplay
A stands for Awesome Gameplay
R stands for Radical Gameplay
S stands for Super Gameplay
I finished ur cheerleader chant for you.
the only question is what server is that
Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeed waaaaaaaaaaaaaars
The title might is well be
Minecraft But My Bed Has Read A Dictionary And Figured Out How To not Die
Stop cheating
i made a shadowapples apple and golden apple 😀