32 thoughts on “Minecraft Bedrock's NEWEST CAPE Is Out!”
Reading this comment section, I REALLY don’t get how some Minecraft fans can be homophobic/transphobic like?? Isn’t the ENTIRE POINT of Minecraft being that you own the world, and can do whatever you want with it?? Isn’t the ENTIRE POINT to express yourself with what you build and do??? Some people smh.
yeah let’s promote sexuality and weird political movements to a bunch of children, this is disgusting to me honestly i don’t care if i’m called a homophobe
why are we putting sexuality in a game meant for children, like of all flags, this… and they are absolutely only doing for clout, seeing as just through a miracle or a sheer coincidence, the flag is only available in places that accept LGBTQ, how quaint
I honestly don’t care about the cape, i claimed it to have it there but i won’t use it, and i think people are over exaggerating and calling the game political
AWW i love this. however it def isnt available for some areas bc.. well. most these areas its illegal or even a felony. those countries needa fix their shi ykyk
If I’m so done with looking at the normal and gold elytra colors that I resort to wearing a giant flag for a community that I’m not a part of then mojang has a problem. I don’t see why it’s so hard to just add more capes. I really want a red one.
Reading this comment section, I REALLY don’t get how some Minecraft fans can be homophobic/transphobic like?? Isn’t the ENTIRE POINT of Minecraft being that you own the world, and can do whatever you want with it?? Isn’t the ENTIRE POINT to express yourself with what you build and do??? Some people smh.
yeah let’s promote sexuality and weird political movements to a bunch of children, this is disgusting to me honestly i don’t care if i’m called a homophobe
Nah we good
I had a villager that gave me Sharpness IV for 57 emeralds
Wish they did this for Java
the scarf and cape look so good
I love Java Edition
that why java is better
I am not going to wear it! 🙋🏻♂️🇹🇹
why are we putting sexuality in a game meant for children, like of all flags, this… and they are absolutely only doing for clout, seeing as just through a miracle or a sheer coincidence, the flag is only available in places that accept LGBTQ, how quaint
love minecraft adding stuff about sex and child groomers in a kids game
Its been fun, but I think it’s time i delete minecraft now..
We need this on Java
No thanks lol
Minecraft really went woke. We need to stop giving in to extreme leftists. Instead of a pride cape they should’ve added an American flag cape
huh, that's pretty neat.
Now i hate minecraft
Yep, I’m done playing Minecraft…like forever
I am a fan.
I bet the rest of the Minecraft community will feel the same! Right?
@BLOCK_MASTER notch was a neo nazi and racist….. so thats obv
This is Mojang's dumbest decision yet
Because pandering to 1% of the population is just what a game developer should do. I'm going to download it and then burn it.
I honestly don’t care about the cape, i claimed it to have it there but i won’t use it, and i think people are over exaggerating and calling the game political
They don’t care about pride if they don’t release it globally. They are just trying to grab support from this selfish community.
We don't need to have inclusiveness in minecraft, but no suprises from mojang, they are a trash developer after all
Do not sort by new
AWW i love this. however it def isnt available for some areas bc.. well. most these areas its illegal or even a felony. those countries needa fix their shi ykyk
Minecraft bad
Hooray, we can now have the socialist flag as a Minecraft cape.
If I’m so done with looking at the normal and gold elytra colors that I resort to wearing a giant flag for a community that I’m not a part of then mojang has a problem. I don’t see why it’s so hard to just add more capes. I really want a red one.