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Yo what is going on folks my name is of-course Catmanjoe & welcome back everybody to another brand video on the channel guys, today we talk about the new 1.16.200 bugfix update or as it’s known on PlayStation 4 the 2.19 that brings parity changes, bug fixes, stability fixes, optimizations, addon changes & sound sliders! Enjoy.
#Minecraft #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftUpdate
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Minecraft BEDROCK – NEW UPDATE OUT NOW! – 1.16.200 / TU 2.19 – Changelog & Fixes – (Minecraft News)
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0:00 – Intro
0:07 – New Minecraft Bedrock Update Is Out Now!
0:51 – Getting Into The BIG News 😀
1:27 – Minecraft Feedback Website
2:08 – The RenderDragon
2:41 – Minecraft With Ray Tracing
3:31 – Minecraft With OpenXR
4:12 – New Features
4:29 – Vanilla Parity Changes & Fixes
5:06 – Known Issues
5:30 – Fixes: Performance & Stability
6:10 – Fixes: General
6:17 – Fixes: Gameplay
6:30 – Fixes: Mobs
7:03 – Fixes: Blocks
7:24 – Fixes: Graphical
7:31 – Everything Else.
9:00 – The End. 🙁
9:48 – Outro 🏳️
💬 Most Recent ChangeLog Here: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360052712132
joe you would be able to DM me on discord so i know when the next time you stream minecraft with members my discord is ryryy700#2949
I thought goats and powder snow were added in this update as we have seen in the beta but i guess not
Catmanjoe:*flexing his parkour skill*
Me:completed that parkour many time on first try
when did this update come out
Banned from discord for no reason
Server list for PS4 get patched?
Lol I got banned from discord for defending my girlfriend
Who a member called a tou
For some reason I don’t have my gold creeper cape anymore.
Anyone know why it’s gone?
Did they removed stuck at loading screen?
Idk if this is a glitch but I have a unenchanted axe and I put it in the anvil and it says to expensive
No founders cape for me yet and it wont let me join servers
Wanna play hive I'm leaderboard player, yes I'm flexing
When will this come out for iOS since it doesn’t say update yet
Update is cool, but game doesn’t run too good on switch and ps4. In terms of multiplayer
Did they fix the sign in problem on ps4?
Iv been running a realm on my android pe and iv been joining with my m8s on our ps4 and ever since this update It says that the servers outdated even tho I updated my minecraft on phone anybody else have this problem or do u think it might be one of the mods that's doing this ?
Can ser good
When will they release the ray tracing for xbox series x and ps5?
Opinion wonder if the flying villager glitch is fixed
Cotton eye
Just tell me about the update! I don't want to hear about your parkour skills.
My PS five keeps saying error can’t download
Finally, I can now mute the ender dragon
Catmanjoe , can you help me . Me and my bro tried to play Minecraft togheter to see the new stuff but it pops up that he needs ps+ so he can play . I didn't understand what they ment for how to turn it on so he can play …
Can you help me. I have Updated minecraft windows 100 to 1.16.200 its keeps on flickering red then black then red then black.
Prior to bedrock my ps4 NEVER crashed ONCE while playing MC
Ray tracing ps5 option has appeared any clue when it starts working
I hate that parkour map.
Waiting for a dupe glitch
They added the RTX option to PS4 Slim but doesn’t work and I’m really confused…
Does someone know how can I activate it?
So are we getting shaders back on Xbox?
I updated my minecraft and now my minecraft gets stuck at the red mojang logo!!
yeah but thats weird boy just i playing minecraft #2.19minecraft
Anyone know how to play MC with pc friends if Im on Ps4?
Did they fix it where you can actually play with your friends?
Now we wait for Nintendo switch to get ray tracing
Did anyone see it said Minecraft: Version 2.19 yea sure! Minecraft 1.16 doesn’t exist? So they skipped 1.17? And went to 2.19 also shut up about ur parkour skills I bet it took to a long time to learn
my cursor drifts and my global resource packs didn’t work after the update 🙁
I’ve been looking for a fix everywhere but i can’t find one, or rather, one that works. I don’t want to stop playing mc but it’s completely unplayable this way. If anyone has a fix or somewhere i can go pls lmk 🙁
When are external servers gonna be out?
i have a 4gb ram and intel i5 and when i installed this update my minecraft just keeps getting lag spikes and crashes and i always get stuck to the red mojang logo :c
The new chat censor affects commands and certain commands get censored out
"Im ThE BeSt AT PaRkOuR" its easy parkour or is it a joke
I watched your video of the pork chop achievement. And it still doesn’t work on ps4. Why
You're my go-to person to watch about updates
Is it just me or I’m not getting tridents in my zombie farms