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Leave any Minecraft tutorials you want in the comments!
#Minecraft #Tutorial
See you guys in the next one!
Tbh for a sec I was like “there’s no way it’ll work in 1.17.” It does! Thanks dude
if you have minecraft on ur phone you could just join on ur phone and press the button whenever to bring urself back
only in bedrock tho
or use this 10 times better version: https://youtu.be/5xijzX_TsPQ
pog! im adding this to my prison! Nice vid!!
That’s probably the best red stone tutorial I’ve seen
Tysm this is great for trolling mah friends lol
I made a trap room we’re if you walk into it a observer picks up the door has opened and send a signal to the chamber to teleport me to it so I can kill the person who brung me
another way is to have -200 fps
Thanks a lot I’ve tried so many others this one is so easy!
Thank you so much I thought I was doomed
Thank you for the help
Yo I've found one that works thanks
Only problem some times it teleports me in the water
You are op
Wow this actually works props to you man 👍
Thank you so much I’ve been trying to Figure out how to make one those things
Thank you so much
Can you use something else than honey block
If I build this in the overworld will it bring me back from the nether/end?
Thank you so much for the tutorial!💛