minecraft be like: compilation June 27, 2023 by Pepenos Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg TEXT #minecraft #meme #memes source
Жду тебя дома есть у говорю №2 = gagaggagagaggagagaggagagagaggagagagagagagaggagagaggatsbgxydnfujfhv7ebhuhvihvkjfegsuyfekbfuiygfuyrfukfbruiyyguyifyiuyuifyurguygiueygiugeyuifgfugurg Reply
I'm using Samsung
A Noname phone dies so fast
Nokia has destroyed asteroid
The player being the battery in XIAOMI os relatable 😂
I have threwn/dropped my samsung 25 times and its just a scratch on it
2:59 true
Вапити и завтра № 1 = τεβδξδθεξ
Жду тебя дома есть у говорю №2 = gagaggagagaggagagaggagagagaggagagagagagagaggagagaggatsbgxydnfujfhv7ebhuhvihvkjfegsuyfekbfuiygfuyrfukfbruiyyguyifyiuyuifyurguygiueygiugeyuifgfugurg
4:34 that loading really tricked me 😂
I have a Nokia phone😂
He forgot about oppo
The Nokia is bedrock😂
5:40 thats endlees got me iloosioned
The garden in real life will be under my house lol
Царсвия виимъ
Fofo oi legal
Im have samsung too its so good nokia god
Game over
Die Samsung die Nokia
I'm using vivo
1:25 what is the name of this music?
I’m using an old Apple IPhone 😂
Im using vivo😂 phone
Xiaomi wins you noobs nokia💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
Nokia es peor
0:46 😂😂😂😂😂 🎉🎉🎉 $
Bro probably had to spend hours doing all that
I use Nokia 2.1
I'm Using Redmi
When u where fishing w'd u btring pork chops u are made of them ???? Makes no sense?
for da school bathrooms its the other way round
Nice felipe
Im OPPO xd
Opera GX for $300000000009999
2:15 😑😑😑😑
2.44 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
I'm using opera gx
iPhone isn’t that bad