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This is Minecraft Battleship! A game where me and my friend take turns guessing specific squares on a grid to try and sink each other’s battleships! The first one to sink both of the opponent’s battleships wins! Enjoy the best series on YouTube!
I forgot that you could place ships diagonally and was so confused whenever he had a white plus around a red dot
25 minutes ago not bad
I’m gonna build in this in creative but how do you get those numbers?
Bro I just realized you're the guy that made the hypixel farm
"C4, that's a Sink." was the last words of Grove and Natty
Can the corners of ships touch each other? I usually play by no corner touching rules.
When he said D4 the first thing that went to my mind was D4C
I have a Technique in this game that im sure everyone know yet no one will predict someone gonna use the most Gambling Technique 😂
In the real game battelship you can't angel the ships
You read that wrong
Do you reckon you could turn up your microphone in post? It would make it clearer that you're the one speaking
ive just started watching your entire channel and i love it
he sounded so sad when he said the last one was a sink lol
Sorry to be that guy but im not sure if you can place ships diagonally
you can't put them diagonally, put them so they're touching each other and when you hit you get another move in a row but okay
The other dude is the zestiest guy I’ve ever heard. 😂
I thought that grove was losing but I realize that natty was losing no grove
_ А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И К
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It's normal "battle ship"
If theory you could use slabs in the water so you don't have to replace the water every time
Diagonal Ships bro tf
What kind of cursed Battleships are yall playing
this guys is a 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 iq
Who opens with g7? 😂
c4 is crazy
what in the diagonal battleship is this gameplay