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Minecraft Achievement Hunter
First video of 2021!
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Kier and Dev:
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Thw next generation
First i thought you where juat a dream copy, but i enjoy your content and think you are pretty good at the game, lol ur friends are bad though🙃
Like this so booster sees this he has a certain hard achievement he has to do and has 3 ppl chasing him and he has 1 hour
Silver sounds like CdawgVA when he says twat
Wow these ideas are really creative! Nice job.
Do this but u have to get a specific advancement in 30 mins
How is this incredible man still below 100k
my favorite advancement is hot stuff
dude boosfer you missed the book achievement your missing so many man but do you
Is he like the new aggressive Dream?
Boosfer is almost at 100K!!!
Is it just me or this guy sounds like Heat Check
remember me when your the next @mrbeast or @dream
So is this all the achievements or who has the most at the end
12:14 is that leather armor dyed or diamond armor
Subscribe to technoblade and boosfer
Y did he come up to my recommendation
New challenge: Minecraft ghost hunt but there is one impostor and at the same time a death swap timer goes down
U should get full bright
i tough it was manhunt it was speedhunt ok
How Did We Get Here
13:15 he runs/zwims over diamonds!
What was the music used in the video it’s nice
Stone age
Its Stone age
I was screaming inside when he didn't use the bell to trade with the piglin
free the end is my favorite achement
6.9k likes pog 😎
Speedrunner VS 2 Hunters, but they have perma strength
He literally went over diamonds at 13:15
How did we get here is my favorite achievement
The Dream fake…
at 24:13 there are diamonds behind that water btw
I swear if he says „my guy“ one more time im watching something else lmao
Guys how did we get here
100k boosfer face reveal?
Interesting concept sounds similar to something I suggested.
What advancement he do?
Yaal addicted to bells
Bruh they could have easily gotten "time to farm" and "time to strike" achievments
i excpect more from u boosfer….
at least get the achevment: how did we get here
You literally said an eighth an 8 month old video (Minecraft but I starting to end)(" if I get 30 likes I will make a part two")63 episodes later no part 2,! and about 560 like later, what have you done,!!!! nothing!!!!!! I am "(INFURIATED")!!!!!!!!!!!! 😤😤😠😠😡😡
cant i join your discord but my minecraft is tlauncher
I’m early
100K? can we do it
I was lokking at the thumbnail rlly blurryly and it looked liek to ksi(jjs) kissing