Minecraft Added Resin & Eyeblossom – Winter Drop – Bedrock Beta

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In this video Belgie covers everything in the latest bedrock beta, It adds new features for the winter drop

Patch Notes: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-preview-1-21-50-25

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43 thoughts on “Minecraft Added Resin & Eyeblossom – Winter Drop – Bedrock Beta”

  1. I just came to leave the information that the resin was added in the joke update of the Poyato update and the resin served as a use for the arrow table 😉😉 is it still a spoiler or would they give it a use the m

  2. Regarding the whole "communication between eyeblossoms" thing, I think that's just some flavor text to explain the opening/closing of the eyeblossoms from a LORE perspective, not as if it's an actual game feature.

  3. Resin armor maybe? we did recently get a new weapon so maybe we'll get a new armor set that gives a special effect just like netherite for example nether gives less knockback maybe resin helps us see at night the more you put on the brighter it gets? just like how the more netherite you put on the less knockback you have

  4. gave you a like since every other person covering this added way to many memes and sound effects while screaming most of the time. this video is the most chill i have seen in a while

  5. PLEASE MAKE A VIDEO OF THIS (if it works)

    1. Set down three Skulk Shrieker blocks.

    2. Set up a Creaking Heart, making sure that there are TONS of Pale Oak logs around it (build a tree, basically).

    3. Spawn a Creaking.

    4. Spawn a Warden, and get it to attack the Creaking. Of course, the Warden can't kill the Creaking.

    BUT… if the Warden hitting the Creaking generates Resin, you've got yourself an incredible Resin farm!


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