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In this video Belgie covers everything in the latest bedrock beta, It adds new features for the winter drop
Patch Notes: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-preview-1-21-50-25
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#minecraft #minecraftupdate #update #snapshot
this is insane
My bet is the flowers only open and close if you're not looking. It would keep to the theme of the new biome.
Now all I want is the trees to be remodeled. They still look too much like dark oak trees.
God i love tormenting eldritch spirits of nature to harvest mundane resources
I just came to leave the information that the resin was added in the joke update of the Poyato update and the resin served as a use for the arrow table 😉😉 is it still a spoiler or would they give it a use the m
7:07 So now the biome is even more useless and less reason to go than before…
I love the trim, it looks like lava
They done added a cheese ball block
Wow I really didn’t expect them to add new stuff to this biome honestly. What a pleasant surprise!
Regarding the whole "communication between eyeblossoms" thing, I think that's just some flavor text to explain the opening/closing of the eyeblossoms from a LORE perspective, not as if it's an actual game feature.
On Xbox there’s a new block that when placed on the ground it has a new UI
The rasin clumps must be kingbdogz's idea. They are similar to the golden amber trees in the aether.
So they just made copper 2??? But this time they made it even more useless
The Creaking is getting the Warden treatment: being a mob to farm. A shame. It's no longer a creepy mob.
I like the resin now. We just need to somehow get it combined with spiders to get the Amber and now we just wait till when the palm trees get added and then we can have a Jurassic Park😊
I just wish the resin was used in redstone in a unique way
Resin… so basically IC2?
Now that’s a reason to come there…can they add ants…? Not for the pale garden i meant they could but like….gotta love ants man…love ‘em
Feels like high saturation copper, its perfect for armor trims i love it
Now there is finnally a reason go to the biome!
Honestly this makes me more excited for the things they haven't showcased during Minecraft Live!
Resin armor maybe? we did recently get a new weapon so maybe we'll get a new armor set that gives a special effect just like netherite for example nether gives less knockback maybe resin helps us see at night the more you put on the brighter it gets? just like how the more netherite you put on the less knockback you have
Wow, a block type that has a unique color AND isn’t another basic stone brick copy paste? WOW.
Wow, a block type that has a unique color AND isn’t another basic stone brick copy paste? WOW.
I still think the biome needs more, like a structure or other stuff
I like the lore idea that the creaking are a result of Evoker experiments
Once again a feature froman april fools update has made it into a real update.
The beginning be like: ようこそ逆転した世界へ
The armour I can finally make it favriote colour orange 🧡
the building opportunities are strong with this one
This feels so modded for some reason
gave you a like since every other person covering this added way to many memes and sound effects while screaming most of the time. this video is the most chill i have seen in a while
1. Set down three Skulk Shrieker blocks.
2. Set up a Creaking Heart, making sure that there are TONS of Pale Oak logs around it (build a tree, basically).
3. Spawn a Creaking.
4. Spawn a Warden, and get it to attack the Creaking. Of course, the Warden can't kill the Creaking.
BUT… if the Warden hitting the Creaking generates Resin, you've got yourself an incredible Resin farm!
I think the resin brick item is not necessary
Oh wait, this isn’t a data pack? OMg I was so confused, I thought this was some datapack you created idk why😭
When you look away, they open or close depending on the time of day
Im in shock
I thought the Creaking Heart was made of sap.
Players thought otherwise, thinking it was similar to the Shroomlight.
MOJANG adds resin, which is similar to sap.
I win.
Belgie THE GOAT!
Maybe set the time to day again when youre showing off textures