Minecraft: 50+ Mini Build Hacks & Tricks!

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Minecraft: 50 MINI Build Hacks and Decorations in your Minecraft World!

Today, in this Video I will Show you the 50 MINI Best BUILDS and TRICKS t in Minecraft! This video will help you to make these Builds!
These Ideas are simple to build !


1. 5 Redstone Cooking Build Hacks in Minecraft! https://youtu.be/8RjJvGYYbxQ
2. 8 Redstone Builds https://youtu.be/3ndP7sHqot8
3. Minecraft 15 Ways to Hide your Items https://youtu.be/4nOqZAMCfGM
4. FUN Build Hacks https://youtu.be/8GV1ycX8WZ0

πŸ‘ Like: https://youtu.be/QXZI_ABQTgs

β€˜BBlocks’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td_bKKqHx9k&t=106s&ab_channel=BBlocks

Music by β€˜C418’


48 thoughts on “Minecraft: 50+ Mini Build Hacks & Tricks!”

  1. Heya good balloons u did ur best cuz did u know that is a mod that u can have balloons u need to do them, and also u can see it when u do a map! u can try it out when u have time! πŸ™‚ u i'll see it will work, cuz that balloons it was ok, but if u try that mod u i'll see balloons more reallistic! try it out plssss


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