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I don’t know why they did this.
In this Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft video, Mumbo takes a look at Minecraft 2.0. The Minecraft 2 update released in 2013 and included a number of game changing Minecraft updates, such as pink withers, redstone bugs and more. This is a special Mumbo Minecraft video that includes a mumbo face cam.
Filming channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThatMumboJumbo2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialmumbo/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatMumboJumbo
what…??? Wow.
can you make a 12×12 piston door
the sign says {gold sword}
The ice texture gives me nostalgia
If they introduce torches that burn out, they need a permanent one. Maybe made with a glowstone dust on top of a stick?
Imagine if 100 years later minecraft 2.0 actually comes and they launch the same April fools version
were to get it and install it.
Ok so this isn't related to the video but the description. it is confusing me like alot. So it says in the first line. I don't know why THEY did this. And it made my brain go into panic mode I need help to know is it just a typo IDK. ;-; Help.
the pigmen are on strke with the writers guild of america
So you're telling me you play Java on a mac and the fps you get on it is above 60?
Viewers beware as there are phishers pretending to give out prizes by impersonating Hermits! They even use the Hermit logos. If a text message mentions Telegram it is a dead giveaway that it is a scam. Do not give out your personal data.
peace, love and plants boss!
This was beautiful, truly a work of art!
Use command blocks to make a house pop up and then use red stone to make the house fly
Those signs clearly say "Manpants" and "Lava bucket Heyooo!!!"
first time in years of watching mumbo jumbo that I've seen your face
We should have that face cam in every video
A lot of these "features" were suggested by the YouTubers as well. Mindcrack in particular.
mans playing minecraft 2 on a mac
Wow this is the earliest a hermit other than xisuma has reviewed an update 🤪
wow thanks for sharing i only started playing 2012 on Bedrock and enjoying a few years of being a Java player.
The way he separately zoomed from filter to filter had me dying at 12:40
Can't watch this with all the stupid versions of yourself surrounding the interesting part. Don't need to see weird twisted images of a human whilst I'm relaxing.
The sign says “ITS PIG-MAN, NOT PIGLIN”
little bits is absolutely incredible. Mumbo Jumbo is an international treasure!
You know the mob was a wild boar, right?
I like breaking the game, too. When it freezes and you can't move, or playing with command blocks to see how far you can push it. Good stuff, makes me laugh like that too.
The face cams were so hilarious I’m chuffed to bits
You should try and double click the white bar above the window!
Block of coal was already in the game
Cursed facecam
the signs wuold say, "i like nether cheese" because they can
Mumbo should make a mech with the create mod that not only walks, but also flies
please oh please keep the cameras
The battlesigns are probably a refference to Tinker's Construct.
I actually learned a few new things here. The pigmen with signs is clearly a Vechs and/or Zisteau reference, and I had no idea that comparators were a thing in this version. Apparently it was post-Redstone update. I'd also never seen the diamond chicken or exploding furnaces. I'm sad that this was creator-only, which was also something I hadn't known. Apparently I never tried to run it myself…
Oh, and the face effects were hilarious. I forgot to mention that.
The Great Mumbo!!
If no one turns the frame where mumbo says "never change etho. Never change" into a meme format I will be disappointed in humanity.
Funny 😊
Beautiful pony’s
I love watching the Council of Spoon play Minecraft!
6:49 "I must go… my people need me"
I feel like I’m watching some really old Minecraft video not something that came out a few hours ago.
This. Was. Amazing.
You literally made a whole other mograph channel to explain this stuff. I remember when it came out
Gotta love photobooth
Mumbo really went from having no face cam to having eight