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Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Is out now! Here is an update of all the new vanilla tweaks data packs for Minecraft 1.21
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0:00 Quick Tutorial
1:01 Mini Blocks
1:45 Retiring Datapacks
2:22 Trader Announcement
2:48 Cauldron Mud
3:26 Always Drop
4:19 Silk Budding
5:01 Effective Tools
6:30 Storm Channeling
7:30 Husks Drop Sand
8:05 Crafting Tweak
8:31 Tag & Other Packs
9:17 Discord
#minecraft #datapacks #vanillatweaks
Waited for it to play on server with friends! Thanks, team
It's all accessibility changes now.
Husks drop sand is the saddest renewable sand mechanic
Hey xiuma, can you please start making data packs for bedrock edition or come to the market place for free me and my family really want the more mob heads pack but there's no reliable way to get it, and we have a world on bedrock that we don't want to get rid of so… just think about it ok?
Tag getting retired is so sad, I used it a lot with my friends on our server
Xisuma getting annoyed by the villager head pranks on hermitcraft
are data packs still broken for realms? some of these would be a lifesaver for my group of friends, but i don't know if they'd work or would break something…
The slick touch on amethyst is May favourite of these. Not because of the farming potential, just because of the amount of times I’ve accidentally destroyed the bud
lmao why are people reacting with fucking flags on that discord message at the end?
Villager gems were my fav…
I want a data pack where crafters are made with copper not iron
How much deepslate diamond ore has a goat to pay for the husk datapack to be installed on the Hermitcraft server?
can't believe you gave froglights the pickaxe as the new tool and not the hoe
not enough love for hoes being the required tool for blocks…
the storm channeling feels too op, maybe can be controlled if it only works when its raining? then again what would you use a storm for aside from charged creeper
nooo i was the strongest larger phantoms datapack soldier </3
these new ones are really excellent additions though !! most of them perfectly feel like they could be in the base game (especially the tool efficiency one) and i love the visual on the channeling tridents 🙂
*me watching as some of my used datapacks slowly get retired*
definitely adding husk sand drops 😍😍
Please let Stress know about the Mud one.
There should probably be a sand making machine in the new spawn area given that it is Doc's new currency. Or at least an area that demos what is possible.
Hi Xisuma! I've been wondering, if it would be possible to add the now reverted "new" piston sounds to the resource pack selection? I really liked them, despite apparently being in the very small minority.
Update TIMBER ❤
will there ever be an update to bedrock tweaks? it only works up to 1.19
As someone who plays dr Trog's skyblock im happy to see the husks dropping sand becoming more widespread. Hopefully someone will manage to make a super efficient farm for it. Husks are surprisingly weird to try and farm.