Minecraft 1.21 Looks INCREDIBLE with These New Mods

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

With the new Minecraft 1.21 update comes heaps of awesome new mods like distant horizons, updated shaders and heaps more to make the game look and feel way more realistic. This video showcases how to install everything and set up the shaders to look amazing!

Fabric: https://fabricmc.net/use/installer

Fabric API: https://modrinth.com/mod/fabric-api
Distant Horizons: https://modrinth.com/mod/distanthorizons
(1.21 ON THEIR DISCORD: discord.com/invite/xAB8G4cENx)
Sodium: https://modrinth.com/mod/sodium
Iris: https://modrinth.com/mod/iris
Continuity: https://modrinth.com/mod/continuity

Indium: https://modrinth.com/mod/indium
Noisium: https://modrinth.com/mod/noisium

Terralith: https://modrinth.com/mod/terralith


— s o c i a l s —

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☀️Want my shaders/settings? Tutorial here: https://youtu.be/xVbdxg-pox4

— m u s i c —

All music is from Old School Runescape

— t i m e s t a m p s —

Intro: 0:00
Installing the Shaders: 0:12
Distant Horizons & Default Settings: 1:40
Shader Settings: 1:59
Visual Style: 2:10
Materials: 2:33
Camera: 4:38
Atmosphere: 5:10
Other Settings: 7:35
Bonus Setting: 8:00

#Minecraft​ #MinecraftTutorial​ #Shaders


33 thoughts on “Minecraft 1.21 Looks INCREDIBLE with These New Mods”

  1. I just tried using it, but trying to install Fabric, and then opening the game was met with Incompatible mods found!
    Alright, I fixed it. I apparently had some other stuff in my folders from prior modding attempts;

  2. So following this, has anyone gotten strange formations off in the distance for distant Horizons?

    I.e. my nearby jungle had a ginormous green spire for bamboo that disappeared when I got close. And behind my Base is a giant floating island that again disappears when I get close.


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