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Minecraft 1.20 Pre-Release Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKixIX8tWEQn-BnYKE9AaAXk
Pre Release 3 for Minecraft 1.20 his here with just bugfixes. Pre Release 4 is to fix an issue in the launcher crashing the game.
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0:00 Boat Placement
1:04 Jump, Levitate, Fall
2:15 Other Changes
3:07 Speed Running
3:51 Predictable Loot
4:27 What This Means
5:27 Set Seeds
Featured In This Video
#minecraft #minecraftnews #prerelease
Pre-Release 4 was simply a fix to stop pre-release 3 crashing in the launcher.
My only question for set loot tables would be how would the Looting enchantment apply?
Minecraft news are the only news I listen to
I am one of the people who comes back and isn't subscribed. I just subbed though since I do enjoy these videos. Thanks!
Speedrunning is 1 word, It is confusing in this title, please consider fixing that.
I could see this being kind of problematic because mobs can still die from their AI making bad judgement calls. That would mean things would get thrown off ever so slightly and possibly get people in trouble even though the speedrun was legit.
Slow falling with rideable mobs… reminds me of the llama paratroopers a few seasons back😅
Bet someone’s gonna make a website where you type in your seed and get to see your world’s loot tables
just have time be a toggleable factor to the calculation, whenever you set the seed it defaults to using time as a factor so set seed speedrunners can manipulate to get the timing right (down to the tick, while still being verifiable), but when its a random seed its more easily verifiable as time is toggled not to be a factor
They will probably reveal the release date in the next minecraft now
You asked why I don’t subscribe: because I’m only interested in the snapshot updates and don’t want Hermitcraft episodes to show up in my subscription feed. Put those on a different channel and I will subscribe. Until then, sorry but no.
For a bit of perspective. The only reason I'm not subscribed is because I'm a Minecraft console player. And as you've proved many times before java and bedrock sometimes don't corelate to eachother.
I like the idea you had @ 5:57 . I prefer random unknown loot drops so that option would be great.
This update may be small, but I do like the RNG changes. Can definitely see the potential in speedrunning. Speaking of which, there used to be a debug shortcut (F3+F) which allows you to change the render distance directly in-game, but it was cut from 1.19 for no official reason. All I can guess is that Mojang thought it was too niche or something, but what about some of the other debug shortcuts? I have seen many videos of speedrunners using that to quickly change their render distance. Plus, for regular players, it would’ve been helpful as dragging the render distance tab can be very laggy and they may need to change their render distance multiple times in certain scenarios. Although a mod called the BetterF3 brings that back, that wouldn’t be allowed in speedrunning anyway. I think they should add it back soon in the vanilla game as I see no harm in that.
People can still cheat in speedruns using this system. All they need is a modified client that will generate a specific seed on command when trying to generate a random world. That way you'll have the knowledge advantage not only from the terrain, but drops as well, and no one will ever be able to prove that it was cheated.
Oh man I do not like the look table change at all. Like in the back of my mind that's going to fuck with me so hard.
Yo could have loot drops be in a certain order, but that where you are in the order gets randomised to start with, similar to clash royal chests.
On a given world there are is a repeating list of 200
Drops for a wither skull. Someone might start at drop 20, someone else at drop 66 but their next drops will be 21 and 67 respectively
the new loot system will definitely make set seed more popular since it's much closer to the zero randomness ideal (stuff like mob spawns are still out of players control) and it may even spawn a new category where players manipulate the random sequence for perfect loot. its something i know mods and datapacks have done but its really cool that's possible in vanilla now.
This loot table thing affects nothing – speedrunners play in 1.16.1 for pearl trades.
RNG is a speedrunner's nightmare. This is a good change.
Just add a "Loot Seed" that randomizes the item drops. If none is provided it defaults to the world gen seed. If people want random items in a set seed they can change the loot seed. Can still be verified by releasing the loot seed along with the world seed so someone can re-create the conditions exactly.
Toycat still does seed showcases
This will help set seed runs but random seed is useless since no runner plays 1.16.2 plus because of piglin trades and piglin brutes
5:18 I'm not sure that is actually how it works?! Unless they really implemented different randomness for each mob and chest. 🤔
I think the only thing that is predictable is if you do the things that require randomness in the same order, aka if you kill 3 wither skeletons you get, lets say a bone, on the 3rd wither skeleton kill, but if you load a new world and kill 2 w. skeletons and then a zombie and then the 3rd w. skeleton, then you might no get a bone from the 3rd w. skeleton.
So the sequence of events matters, at least that's how it would work with seeded randomness, it could be that they really implemented different randomness seeds for every single category of random events?!?
Xisuma, please go an check the redstone u done when u was helping Scar with his item sorter. Just seen it n Docs episode, an it’s a mess an causing lag like crazy. Sorry to let u know on this video, but I had to let u know.
so that "random sequence" is what defines the drops in a given seed? Have I gotten that correctly? Maybe Mojang could add a feature to pick another sequence for a certain seed. That way you could randomize drops for set seed runs but by handing in the seed and the random sequence you could still verify a legit random run? Like a second seed for a world that is only there for the loot tables. Maybe that would be a compromise. You could basically choose how the feature behaves depending on the use case.
So basically the loot table change will nerf farms. 😢
wait, what does "deez" mean
Are the loot tables actually independent like you mentioned with the wither skulls? I’ve written things like random number seeds in the past and this generally isn’t usually how it works. Generally if you killed a wither skeleton then zombie then wither skeleton you would get different loot than if you killed two wither skeletons in a row. I could definitely be wrong though.
You know someone is going to hunt for a seed that has: an End portal with 12 eyes already in it, wither skulls on the first three wither skeleton kills, outpost, monument, ancient city, and village all close to spawn to create the ultimate "all bosses" Speedrun seed.
I think I'm the only one who doesn't like the random sequence as it removes the rng aspect personally I think it should be toggleable
I know verification and all but I don't think that they should just completely change how drops work just for a small part of the game
Dream is shaking in his boots
How does the looting enchantment work with the new “predictable drops”. I mean, if the wither skeleton always drop the skull on the 17th kill on your seed, why would you need looting? Could it alter the “drop sequence” or does it simply increase the amount of drops you get?
Mojang: We made this so, no green guy will ever cheat again by changing the loot drops.
I feel like it will be more likely that you will get good or bad luck with drops. You may generate a world and go hunting wither skeletons, and your seed may have been one where you won't get a single skull for 100 kills. Before, that luck was entirely determined on the kill
I wonder if 1.20+ will be a new speedrunning category
I hate that i know EXACTLY why that loot tables change was implemented…
Right now on bedrock there's three bugs iv noticed, first off if I'm jumping on a block that can change, the moment the change happens I phase through the block, second when I'm standing in a soul sand bubble Collum for an extensive amount of time if i walk out onto a solid block, I will get falling damage, and lastly and most annoying every single time I die all of the sprites for my items will be floating up in the air in a little chunk and not actually where the items are and I will be forced to leave the game and log back in for them to be where there supposed to be
Minecraft & Chill is my go-to for seeds
Perhaps a good middle ground is that each time a world is generated a separate seed for loot tables is created, different from the world seed. speedruns can still be verified, but look will still appear "random"
I would say both are important, but set seed is more a challenge of skill (and seed selection) while random seed is about luck.
This change further makes set seed better, as more luck is removed, so it is about finding a good seed and planning a good route, while random seed is still just based upon luck as the seed determines the drops. So there is really no reason at all to have an option to disable it.
One good advantage this has is a hybrid good for competitions, where you pick a random seed, and everyone plays that seed.
speedrunning speedrunning, who cares. everyone just still be running on old version
Hey X! I’m one of the people who keep coming back but won’t subscribe… 🙈 I noticed you asked (somewhat rhetorically) “why not subscribe?”, and I thought I’d just say that I really think your videos are great – that’s why i keep coming back – but i’m just personally not invested in your non-update videos so maybe a separate channel which could only have these update videos copy pasted would get more people to subscribe…? I know i certainly would at least!
iirc, in Bedrock version the chest contents are pre-determined by seed in a similar way, so set seed speedrunners on Bedrock version know exactly which chests to open to get the iron they need etc. Parity change?
Matthew Bolan on youtube has a video which has a seed where the first 9 Wither Skeletons drop.
The seedfinder Andrew also found a seed where the first item you fish will be an enchanted book with 10 different enchantments.
I've been spending a lot of time on this lately and overall I think the effect on speedrunning will be smaller than a lot of people think. I expect Mojang will patch the correlations that Matthew posted about in his video before 1.20 is released, which will mean these changes will essentially have no impact on Random Seed runs.
Set Seed will definitely see an impact, but it's unclear how much. There is a negative impact on the theoretical best possible time on any seed as a result of this change. However, some strategies require a very high amount of in-run luck to be viable currently. If we can offload some of this luck to the seedfinding process that will improve times, but to compromise we limit our seed pool more than we did before. As such we'll need to be smart about optimizing the tradeoffs in luck needed between loot tables and other features of seeds from now on.