Minecraft 1.20: (don't) VOTE FOR THE RASCAL & His Backpack

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It’s blue, but is an enchanted iron pickaxe better than a new plant? – The Previous Video(Beating Minecraft In 2nd Person): …


34 thoughts on “Minecraft 1.20: (don't) VOTE FOR THE RASCAL & His Backpack”

  1. I don’t expect the Rascal to add anything to the game but I’m absolutely voting for it. The rest of the mobs are just outright bad. The Sniffer has a cool backstory but nah. Rascal all the way. Using the enchanted iron pickaxe as an example and solely using that as your basis is VERY poor reasoning. One thing we can say is we KNOW it’ll have a loot table. It’s not a guarantee but it’s very likely you can get better loot than that. Even still you could possibly farm them for iron and XP. The Tuff Golem is just a walking display case and the Sniffer is just a plant finder. Only reason people are picking it is because it gives a new plant that’ll likely do nothing. It would’ve been nice to just have an overview or a summary of the mob instead of being like “it’s clearly the worst so far” cause that’s literally no different than Dream. That’s gonna make people stray away from the Rascal.

  2. personally i love the idea of the rascal! I think it would be a great addition to the game, maybe having their own loot table like a piglin, and having some super rare drop that would get you searching for it

  3. Astronomy update…… Variable day/night times. Long days in summer/short nights, Short days in winter/long nights…. if moon does not circle in tandem with sun would lead to interesting alignments. Perhaps special effects or mobs when there is a total eclipse. The sky is a dynamic place full of mystic value, why not use it? Minecraft sky is boring, looks the same and acts the same as beta Minecraft. Change it? Change it please? Why is no one looking up? Temples were MADE for astronomy, you have temples with tnt at the bottom, come on…

  4. I haven't cared for these votes ever since content creators like dreams influenced and ruined the votes and people's choices now toycat is doing the same I find you less annoying at least

  5. Man Rascal Literally Better

    Yeah Sniffer Looks Cool But They Literally Said , Seeds Found by Sniffer Will Be For Decoration Purposes Only

    Which Would Be Useless Becasue What We Even Do Decorative Plants.

    Even Tuff Golem Better Than Sniffer

    Rascal Could Be Useful And Give Good Loots.


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