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Snapshot 23W45A for Minecraft 1.20.3 adds the Trial Chamber structure to Minecraft 1.21 with its Trial Spawner and unique combat challenges! The Trial Chamber also includes the new breeze mob seen at minecraft live 2023.
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00:00 The Trial Key
01:20 Gameplay Changes
02:15 Official Server List
03:26 Trial Spawner
05:47 Trial Loot
08:12 The Breeze
09:56 Interactions & Sounds
10:50 Trial Chambers
13:21 Categories
13:56 Chamber Loot
15:29 A Question
16:10 Survival Time
18:08 Spider Room
19:04 Breeze Room
20:06 Poison Skeletons
21:14 Final Room
22:04 Death
22:32 Armadillo
Featured In This Video
#minecraft #minecraftnews #snapshot
Please do a deepdive
Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won't get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)
New painting are needed
I’m just excited for the new copper blocks which I will definitely make you self in my steampunkish survival world
Okay, I just rewatched the video and I still don't see what the key does…
Xisuma: ' Oh that's a baby zombie! It's a death sentence'
I think trial chambers are a great addition to the game, but they don't really make sense from a storytelling perspective. Mojang have put a lot of focus on storytelling with the recent updates, but trial chambers just don't make sense in that aspect. it would kinda make sense if it was part of the stronghold, so weak players aren't easily able to fight the dragon, as that might, story-wise, make the dragon stronger and more ready for fighting I guess.
Also, currently, you can just enter trial chambers from wherever. strongholds kinda funnel the player towards the entrance of the stronghold because the eyes lead to the entrance staircase.
Anyway. Back to lore criticism: it makes no sense for some ancient civilization to build massive undergroud structures that are designed to be difficult to traverse and give away stuff to people who managed to survive. There are very few reasonable explanations for creating such a structure.
But all of the explanations I can think of would also leave behind other traces of the civilization that built the structures.
Also, the trial chambers are clearly tributes to the two recent golems that lost their respective mob votes. both in block palette and functionality. (tuff golem is similar to pots, breeze is a huge upgrade to the copper golem.)
Also, trial chambers must be quite new. all other structures are extremely old, but trial chamers don't even have cracks. It can make sense that they aren't overgrown. well.. to an extent. But in a lore timeline, trial chambers have to be almost as recent as villages. Definitely more recent than strongholds and mineshafts. mineshafts are old, cause they're somewhat broken, but not too old, cause fungi would've broken it down if too much time had passed.
The civilization that made trial chambers did leave behind another trace in the form of the old dungeons. perhaps those are early attempts.
Ancient cites aren't necessarily old. Sculk works fast. But the inhabitants of ancient cities clearly knew what they were doing, as their paths were paved with wool. Perhaps the inhabitants of ancient cities realized that they could no longer hide, so they fled, made trial chambers to train their warriors, and died when they tried to return? Echo shard and 5-shards were left by those who stood their ground and stayed behind?
We'll see what they do for the entrance. Trial chambers aren't fully out yet.
Please do a deep dive
This is not minecraft anymore
It’d be cool if shooting an arrow at a breeze would cause the arrow to navigate around its body and fire back at you instead of dealing damage to the breeze
Trial Key theory: The next update is a rework to the Strongholds and End, and the Trial Key will be a replacement for Eyes of Ender to unlock the End Portal.
I really hope the breeze drops some sort of item that allows people to use it's wind attacks! I can imagine some cool machines or weapons!
I can't wait to Explorer this on My world 😩
the trial key looks like xisuma‘s skin but with an orange body
I'd love to see a deep dive on the trial chamber, just don't overwork yourself! I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we can wait a few days!
If you do a deep dove on structure gen, I recommend you first talk to the YUNG Gang (YungNickYung, Acarii, and Tera) and TelepathicGrunt, they all have experience in structure creation and generation.
Combat challenge 😂
More technical dive into the trial chambers sounds really cool.
I hate that you can build in there