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Pre Release 1 for 1.19.4 is here! As well as changes for Minecraft 1.20
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0:00 Update Recap
1:26 Enchantment Glint
2:16 High Contrast UI
3:23 Create New World
4:08 1.20 Changes
5:17 1.20 Bugfixes
5:58 Missed Bits
6:36 Suspicious Sand In Survival
7:51 Outro
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#minecraft #minecraftnews #prerelease
Does anyone know when 1.20 actually drops? Want to start a new world but don't want to if it'll drop in like 3 weeks lol
They finally removed potion glints!
i could have sworn you have always been able to smelt red sand into glass ive just done it on 1.19.3 and its possible
im so happy they made brusj a proper crafting recipe instead of a string pickaxe.
They still need to add more uses for copper, with how plentiful it is in the early game it should have the strength of iron but the durability of gold when it comes to tools and armor.
oh man its undertale 2
Tbh I think animals shouldn’t be emptied by torch flowers since they are long extinct so any genes that cause them to want torch flowers would be inactive or non existent
It would be cool to have different unlockable UIs via achievements.
X what editing software do you use? Is it da Vinci or something else?
Also love your content has really motivated me to do my best in life, so thank you SO much.
I hope they do more menu reworks, as getting lost in layers and layers of endless submenus is awful.
its a good ui
nice to see Mojang fixing 1.20 bugs with camels bouncing rather than fix game breaking bugs with endermen not taking damage to withers since in 1.19.3 – GG mogang, GG
that elytra chestplate change is amazing
Removing the glint from potions is such a nice change, I don’t see why they didn’t do it sooner lol
It's sad, how they added cherry forest, but forgot about birch forest promise :(((
DoVinesSpread will actually be super useful to me. I set the tick speed of my creative world to zero just to stop vines.
copper and feather getting a new use is a W change in my books
I had no idea that I wanted the potion glint to be removed, but apparently I did!
wasn’t smelting red sand into glass a thing already??
Potion glint should be a video option that has a default to false
You should be able to get suspicious sand with silk touch but doing that will make there be a higher chance of it not having loot
I’m still waiting to go to the end in peaceful. 5% chance of Eye of Ender in suspicious sand?
Maybe use more feathers in the brush crafting recipe, looks to be way more feathery stuff in the brush than in the arrow or the book and quill.
I dont like the new world creation hud if its not broken dont fix it :/
did they ever fix the damage tilt problem?
That's the second flower to be put into a stew and cause nightvision
Hey I've seen this style somewhere TNO: Last Days of Europe flashbacks I don't think I'll talk about it
High contrast i might turn on just because it looks awesome LOL
I wonder why they thought a string pickax was a good recipe for the brush. Lol.
So, im not be able to play 23w07a my hardcore in new update? Oh man..
Bro this new UI look like the coolest texture Pack's UI
7:41 *smithing template not smithing table
i want the pigs to have flowers on them sins the are under the trees hahaha
The camels really look sweet. I wish Mojang also would remodel the ealier animals like Wolves (they don't even howl!) , dogs (retrieving things e.g.) , chicken (different colours) or adding the brown bear just by putting a brown texture on the polar bear.
Oh yes. Finally Vaporwave Minecraft.
As a gamer who is visually impaired, high contrast and other accessibility features are such a nice thing to see added to games. Now if only we could do something about the inventory background and text lol
Of course, I love Minecraft, but what draws me to you channel is your use of the classic Doomguy skin.
6:42 This works with cobwebbs aswell
Are minecraft records LPs or are the 45s with center’s, then on the other hand based on the fact that its supposed to be in the mid 19th century they are probably 78s , but then again jukebox. Thoughts?
Having the copper in the recipe for the brush makes sense, though maybe an nugget would be better, since it really is so little copper in the brush. Also gives an excuse to introduce nuggets for copper, since iron and gold has those already.
Is there a way that I can load my experimental world into pre release?
StarWars texturepacks:
eh? I'm sure that in at least bedrock edition elytra and armour could switch, assumed it was the same in java
I think Mojang should add an "Imprint" rune to the game that allows you to modify the base colour of the armour set your wearing via the use of a dye. Such as having yellow or purple Netherite armour. Perhaps this in conjunction with modifying the base model of all armour sets to be slightly different (such as how Netherite has a different shaped helmet and more bulky texture than the diamond, gold and iron counterparts) then this update would be phenomenal.
7:35 Please re-work this. If Blast Protection limits how far you're blasted, that breaks being able to launch yourself with TNT, which is used in escape rooms and mini-games. My suggestion: Make this an option in World Settings, default OFF. Or make a potion of Blast Protection that protects you from explosions WITHOUT reducing the movement, and keep the change on the armor.
I have an idea for the torchflower. What if they put the fireflies back in the game. And that the fireflies come towards the torchflower that gives light. And that the fireflies fly around it. So that the torchflower is a spawn point for the fireflies. I thought that might be a cool idea. Or something else? Would be really cool if they put back the fireflies.
Pretty sure smelting red sand into glass has been in the game for a while, I think I was doing it on my survival server as early as 1.17, at least.
No "Bye Bye"?