Minecraft 1.18 Let's Play | Building an Enchanting Room and Spider XP Farm- Ep. 4

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Welcome to the fourth episode of my Survival Series in Minecraft 1.18 Caves and Cliffs where I build an Enchanting Room and a Spider spawner XP Farm

If you enjoyed, leave a like and subscribe to support us.
Feel free to give feedbacks and suggestions.♡

Instagram: @zaypixel (https://www.instagram.com/zaypixel)
TikTok: @zaypixelyt (https://www.tiktok.com/@zaypixelyt)

—————————- GAME INFO —————————-

• Java Edition 1.18.1

• BSL Shader 1.18 – https://bitslablab.com/bslshaders/#download

• Texture:
– Vanilla Tweaks – https://vanillatweaks.net/

• Replay Mod for recording – https://www.replaymod.com

• -7484121594312853999

—————————– CREDITS —————————–

Music from Epidemic Sound
• Martin Gauffin – Squaric
• Martin Gauffin – Occurrence
• Martin Gauffin – Inez
• Martin Gauffin – Ice Fields
• Christian Andersen – Echoing Silence
• Christian Andersen – Hard Charger

—————————— NOTES ——————————

• Don’t reupload or modify my videos.
Copyright © 2022 by Zaypixel.

• English isn’t our first language, so it may contain spelling and grammar errors in the captions. We apologize for that.

#Minecraft #Survival #Letsplay


30 thoughts on “Minecraft 1.18 Let's Play | Building an Enchanting Room and Spider XP Farm- Ep. 4”

  1. Я воистину восхищаюсь твоими постройками, то что ты делаешь невероятно! 💘Твои постройки напоминают мне о Средиземье Толкина🍃

  2. Amazing job Zay but can anyone tell me what the song is that plays when she is placing the bookshelves and enchanting table, it's so soothing and calming, it sounds like ingame music id love to know the name

  3. Zay I love how your lets plays are so calming and have those asmr vibes the whole time. I found you recently and Im glad I did! very relaxing to watch your content and your builds are so cute! ✨

  4. Things that make Piglins mad
    1: Hitting/killing them
    2: Not wearing gold armor in front of them
    3: Mining gold in front of them
    4: Opening a chest in front of them
    5: Existing in front of them😉

  5. I love your videos so much!! They're always amazing! Btw, what settings do you use for BSL shaders? I've never really handled them before and I dunno how to get them not not so foggy I guess but still has bright glow to everything

  6. I like the name Kiki! Also for the up elevator just dig one more block down so you don’t have to use the signs; and what about using the soul lanterns for the enchanting build? I absolutely love what you came up with though!


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