Minecraft 1.18 experimental snapshot

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In this video I will guide you through the new terrain generation in Caves & Cliffs Part II. Try it out & give us feedback!

Details & download instructions:

Reddit post for feedback & discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/ojio1q/minecraft_118_experimental_snapshot_is_out/

Note: this is not a normal snapshot, you need to download the file separately. See the link above.

Intro/exit music: Some groove I made a few years ago and found on my drive.


40 thoughts on “Minecraft 1.18 experimental snapshot”

  1. For people complaining about difficulty, i agree with everyone saying that the larger caves are now gonna be great for this to compensate for the lower light level spawning and torches will now not be annoying to fill in with endless torches and look horrible after (yay for mood lighting). But now the above ground at night will be easier to a degree but the implementation of the Zombie packs might actaully be viable now and they spot you from further.

    Also i geuinely think this is gonna make the game tougher considering the fact that now if you want to go caving in the day for example, you will always be fighting packs of enemies (with the higher spotting) at cave entrances and the odd place a glow lichen wont spawn could pack spawn. Its all about scaling up certain aspects alongside the larger generation changes so i agree with the changes so far.

  2. So far I’m in love with the new way biomes are layered onto the fantastical new terrain, the views are amazing! I will say though that one thing I do miss is the unique generation the badlands/Mesa used to have, that is pretty much the only biome gen I prefer the old version of so far though.

  3. Can you give us some really good seeds with nice view if you find a good seeds while you're working on 1.18?
    And can you give us coordinate where the beautiful part of the seed is?
    I already tweeted you too btw 🙂

  4. You guys can add,
    1.Cave entrances with lots of bats.
    2.Epic waterfalls that leads to
    beautiful water ponds
    3.Deep rivers between mountains
    4.And i think it would be cool to see
    the bottom of water filld caves
    filled with sand and clay layers.
    The rocks get chemically digested
    from water and results sand layers
    underneath 🙂
    5.Glow mushroom types in caves

  5. The new terrain generation gives me flashbacks to beta 1.7.3 terrain generation. Might be nice to have the old noise beaches back since terrain is more varied now

  6. From the looks of things, a big amount of the terrain looks super steep and mountainous and stuff. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore crazy terrain. It's just that it'd be cool for there to still be some smooth, flatter ground to go around as opposed to super rugged terrain for most of the land. Then again, it could very well still be the case that there's still plenty of smooth ground, since the whole thing with this video is to showcase the new, more extravagant terrain generation. Overall, I love the work you guys are doing and I'm so excited for Cave and Cliffs Part II. It looks awesome.

  7. Is there a way to make the Renewable Deep Slate, as well as the stone with a bucket of water and one of lava that when joined together form stone, will there be a method for the Deep slate ?.

  8. It can be perfect add villages in mountains, and a small think that can be perfect is add the house roof of deepslate, because in the real life the house of the mountains is nade with slate. And another think, in the final veesion please, remove the lag, because a computer of 3.000€ with linux, with a lot aof ram, have a lot of lag.


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