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Minecraft 1.18 is a massive update and does a lot of huge things. Minecraft 1.18 is also huge because of what it doesn’t do.
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if you read this comment “lime axolotl”
@wattles , if spawn eggs count, does the new music disc count?
Spore blossoms in survival wanna have a talk with you
gonna laugh so hard if on tomorrows pre release they'll add a new block
Yeah, and?
the game is more then 10 years old by now, the fact that it is still getting FREE updates is amazing alone.
and this is a HUGE update split in TWO parts.
To say 1.18 add's nothing new is stupid, as:
1- it DOES add new things, it adds cave biomes.
2- updating is not just about adding stuff
3- 1.18 is just the version of the game, it is still the Caves and Cliffs Update.
I'm so tired of this bullshit "getting sad that I played so much of the beta that the new FREE update doesn't feel fresh when it actually releases" mentality.
"wow this realisation changed my life" like fuck off, honestly
No new blocks wow! 🔥
i have a question do you keep the guide worlds after each season of the Minecraft guide ends?
why intro so quite doe
I'd like to be able to use concrete on the cutting table to make stairs and slabs tho… takes an age to make in survival.
Doesn't 1.18 add the spore blossom? That's a block, right?
Edit: okay, technically it was in 1.17 but there's no way to legitimately obtain it in survival
1.18 really does have a lot happening in it – 3D biomes, build height changes, new world generation, new biomes, a devastating lack of azalea wood, mob spawn light level changes etc. On the other hand, 1.19 has the shiny items. 1.19 is what I'm truly looking forward to.
it adds new music disc if you can count that
1.17, the caves and cliffs update, neither added caves nor cliffs
I guess I’ll finally quit crying about not seeing what the the or above the wheat farm in yesterday‘s episode… I really like today’s but I think you missed the opportunity to say that the best way for them to do it for the fourth time was by adding acacia wood
Take your time British king 😤
laughs in Otherside by Lena Raine
Might as well called it 1.17.2
Jesus Christ everywhere I look it’s people complaining
No new features? That’s a feature, not a bug.
i wish there was an update that only added items, maybe some mobs but didn't any any new block at all, i'm sick of bulding in this game i wanna do something else
This is unrelated but, Goodbye dislike button…
Maybe the only block added is
1.18 does have an addition tho. The otherside music disc. You really dropped the ball man
Good night from India! 😂
1.18 adds a music disc which is a “block” by your definition
It add a new disc
What do you mean it not adding blocks? It's adding like 100 new Y levels, basically infinite blocks added to every world.
What about the new music disc that you can only find in strongholds and dungeons? Does that count?
Just one word ”otherside”
Lol just been talking about this with my friend
thanks i feel the same
aight time to use datapacks to add my own block
technically there aren't any candles in bedrock. It's pretty much a retextured sera pickle.
Please don't do a video every day for the sake of 'every day', it's not worth it. We can wait, please be mentally healthy and don't burn out on MC for us.
Nice video Wattles! I have an unrelated question that I've been curious about for awhile. Do you have any pets? And if so, what are they?
Also, that lush cave was
✨g o r g e o u s✨
Wattles: I think I’m forgetting something
“If you forgot about it then I probably wasn’t important”
Otherside: :/
I think i am the only one but 1.18 is not good for survival in my opinion all of those huge caves make frustrsting to make a for example small village because they affect the surface too there are holes everywhere on the surface i think 1.18 broke minecraft's balance and should be re-balanced huge caves are so common like every 100 blocks there is a big cave and 1.18 is only good for flying around and saying like wow what a cool generation but when you try to survive it sucks at least to me
Oh god I remember the first ever Beta update. Yikes.
It kinda adds the spore blossom tho
Otherside disc: Am I a joke?
. -MInecraft Historian