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In this video I will be showing you the new grimstone blocks, the new ore textures and everything else that has been added to the 21w07a snapshot of minecraft 1.17!
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The minecraft snapshot 21w07a for minecraft java edition just released today. I will show you all the additions, changes and fixes added to this snapshot!
Minecraft 21w07a snapshot adds the new grimstone block that generates in te deepest parts of the underground in the new cave generation. Like blackstone, grimstone can be used like normal stone to craft stone tools. The different variants are grimstone, polished grimstone, grimstone bricks and grimstone tiles, there are also slabs, stairs and walls for all these variants. Then there is also chiseled grimstone. In minecraft snapshot 21w07a also the textures of the existing ores changed! This change was applied to iron ore, coal ore, gold ore and redstone ore! They also reordered the redstone tab in the creative inventory! World generation has also changed in this snapshot along with ore generation! You can see the new ore generation here: https://i.imgur.com/RH5cgSF.jpg.
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#minecraft #snapshot #21w07a
first-time viewer and not disappointed 🙂
Thoose Grimstone blocks looks amazing !!! My new favorite block in minecraft 😀
I like trains
Bigger diorite patches ruined Minecraft :'C
(Just kidding, I love the idea !!)
That the Caves are not filled with water means not filled to the top
I like then grimstone tiles the best , however the new ore textures are not it
A Smooth Grimstone block feels like its missing
If you’re mad about the ore changes, chill out. You can always play the with the classic textures using the Programmer Art resource pack, which is built into the game
The reason all those big caves were filled with water is probably because there’s an increased chance of that under an ocean biome lol
Pierogi! Nasi XD
There's no recipe for the Grimstone Tiles right now. It was forgotten in this snapshot. There should be one in the next few snapshots.
Bro,, I can’t wait for the full release,, so exciting!!1!
Those who don't like the new ore textures: Texture packs exist.
my main complaint is how awful the ore looks in the grimstone environment. I feel as if to make it fit, they have some new property to the block that changes the base stone to a grimstone texture when it's below a certain coordinate.
The tiles don't have a recipe yet because someone not called kingbdogz forgot to add it.
Are you dutch?
I really hate the new iron texture but all the others are good. I really like the coal and the Redstone too!
only thing i want changed here is I want iron ore to have a different texture and I want blackstone to take longer to break than normal stone to make deep caving for rarer stuff have some challenge to it
i feel like the stone variants dont really mix well with regular stone, i hope they do something to fit this
I waked up and see this
I really dislike the new ore textures, like…iron, not the new blocks, I like grimstone
I just noticed that they changed the color of the Grimstone from how it was showcased at Minecraft live back in october i mean the light gray kinda looked lame i like the dark gray better it will make the deep dark caves alot more ominous
🤩 i like grimstone's texture but grimstone brick looks like blackstone brick. Wow so many bricks
Grimstone looks like darker deep dark stones. Right?
There were more water caves because you showcased caves under an ocean.
People complaining about rarer large caves. I just travelled through one large cave in creative and tried to light it a little up, while at the same time witnesses the amount of mobs and darkness around me. It feels a little scary and overwhelming to be in such a large cave in survival. Definitely an experience. It would be overkill to have them everywhere imo.
The new ore texture ruined minecraft
expected some lush caves but this is also Cool!
Well, wasn't able to see it in live ):
They made the caves smaller xd
They better remove the ore texture
When we expecting new advancements?
I rlly want the old grimstone texture 💔
Where are you from, I feel like I hear a Dutch accent
All the ore textures look so bad but I like the new block grimestone