Minecraft 1.17 – Snapshot 21w05a – Lush Cave Blocks!

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In this livestream I will be showing you the lush cave blocks and everything else that has been added to the 21w05a snapshot of minecraft 1.17!
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Updates: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-21w05a
The minecraft snapshot 21w05a for minecraft java edition has just released! I will show you all the additions, changes and fixes added to this snapshot! In this new minecraft snapshot we got a lot of new lush cave blocks including the azalea bushes and flowering azalea bushes, we got cave vines and glow berries, drip leaves or drip leaf plants were also introduced! Furthermore we got decorative blocks like the hanging roots and rooted dirt. Also Moss and moss carpet was added in this snapshot along with the spore blossom! Cave vines grow from the ceiling and can be created by placin down glow berries. Bonemealing the cave vine will yield a glow berry which gives off light! Small dripleaf plants need water to grow and bonemealing small dripleaf plants turns them into big dripleaf plants which will tilt when you stand on them for too long! The spore blossom is a large flower that can be placed on ceilings and will emit particles! The different stages of copper have been renamed and some powder snow changes and sculk sensor changes were introduced!

Thank you to my tier 2 and tier 3 members!
Xobot – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFshYLIZjee0LDUmq-nFXGA
DeSmikkelaar – https://youtu.be/o-pWI4T_6Lc
march3258 – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkYQ4j_1SQYPWd_B520syBA

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22 thoughts on “Minecraft 1.17 – Snapshot 21w05a – Lush Cave Blocks!”

  1. I just missed one block in this video and I am sorry about that! I missed the nonflowered azelea leaves! It is the same type of leaf as the flowered azelea leaf, just without the flowers!

  2. I was hoping for some new natural gen related features so I can truly experience the new features in survival (on my friends' SMP). But nonetheless, this snapshot brings so many cool features, I really like the glow berries and dripleaf!

  3. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten

    Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but

    have eternal life. (John 3:16)

    Mert úgy szerette Isten e világot, hogy az ő egyszülött

    Fiát adta, hogy valaki hiszen ő benne, el ne vesszen, hanem

    örök élete legyen. (János 3:16)


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