Minecraft 1.17 Snapshot 21w03a The Glow Lichen & Glow Squid… & Glowing Things!

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The first snapshot of 2021 – Minecraft 1.17 snapshot 21w03a adds the Glowsquid voted for at minecon live 2020 as well as other glowing things!

Minecraft 1.17 Snapshot 20w51a The Axolotl Has Arrived!

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00:00 Teasers
00:38 Glow Lichen
01:41 Technical Details
02:49 Glow Lichen Farm
04:03 Craftable Dripstone
04:32 Glow Squid
06:26 Glow Item Frame
07:10 Glow Ink Sac On Signs
07:53 Axolotl
08:25 Bugfixes

#minecraft #glowsquid #cliffsandcaves


48 thoughts on “Minecraft 1.17 Snapshot 21w03a The Glow Lichen & Glow Squid… & Glowing Things!”

  1. One of the reasons i voted for the glow squid was for the glowing ink sacs and something they could be used for/on. I really hope they allow you to put it on leather armor and it will make you produce a little light (like how holding a torch in optifine produces light) and for every piece of additional glowing leather armor the light that you produces is brighter, this would make for an interesting choice, do you sacrifice good armor for light and how much good armor are you willing to sacrifice for better light, not only does this give more use to leather armor (i think most players skip it and go straight to iron making it kinda pointless for regular survival players) i think it will fit well for the new under dark and the extremely powerful warden after all if you run into him and all your wearing is leather glow armor well lets just say your not in for a good time

    Anyway thats my idea and i really hope mojang adds something like this and great video as always (that build at the end looks so freaking awesome)

  2. I’m kind of disappointed that they didn’t fixed the bug that caused buckets of axolotl to not store the axolotl’s NBT data. Also, did kingbdogz ever say that the sound was specifically from a mob? Because it could just be from a block or just ambience.

  3. This is the second time that the results of a mob vote sucked, why, just why, we could’ve had colored lighting, but no, all that just for making things a little more visible at night. Who needs that?

  4. Iceologer had a brand new attack witch can be used alongside commands to make amazing new stuff, would fit amazingly with the new mountains, would probably be useful to farm ice, witch is impossible now, and would impose a new challenge for players. Squid is still just a re-textured version of the normal squid with some new useless features just to differentiate it from the original.

    Saying the iceologer would be a new phantom is just stupid. The thing that makes phantoms annoying is not the challenge, it’s their spawn conditions. They attack you regardless of your actions towards them. Iceologer wouldn’t have this problem since it would spawn out in the open and you would fight it if you wanted to. Phantoms are also bad because they force you to sleep witch is a really boring way to deal with them. Iceologer wouldn’t have this problem again. Stop comparing the two mobs.

    I do not hate the glowsquid because of the mob. I hate it because it took away great ideias from being implemented into the game, and just like all mob votes and biome votes, we most likely will never see the losing features ever again.

  5. Tbh, I still hope the Glow Squid will emit light and that you can make a pulsating lightsource (lightblue redstone lamp?) to have a true use for its "glowing" because just a brighter text or item frame is pretty meh to me.
    I really wish for it so you can use Glow Squids in waterlines / Aquariums to have some dynamic / living aspect in your base without shaders and that a Pulsating light (that will not mess with Server light or whatever) to have a cool ambience effect as lampshades.


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