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In this video I tell you about all the minecraft 1.17 news of the last week!
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Last week we got snapshot 20w51a which was the last snapshot of the year 2020. So no snapshot 20w52a this week. We did get a couple of tweets from Henrik Kniberg about cave generation and stalagmites and stalactites. We now know that it will take some time before cave generation snapshots will be released and that the large speleothems will be very rare. Also we get some insight into tridents breaking stalagmites at a certain speed and entities pathfinding over stalagmites!
Tweets shown in the video:
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#minecraft #20w52a #snapshot
this is just repeating itself and i hate it
trident want do u want to be when u grow up?
This year has 53 weeks cuz the next week is 4 days long but itll be cool if we had a 20w53a
Hey! If you are seeing this, I just wanted to let you know that Jesus loves you! He loves you so much that He died on the cross for your sins and rose from the dead so that you could be saved from sin and the wrath of God! This is the Gospel; you can be saved from God’s wrath and hell if you believe and trust in Jesus! God Bless you all!!
i am patient
Je bent Nederlands
Top video, niks geen clickbait, ga zo door!
this snapshot change cave generation
I hate how they're treating the snapshots. In the pat, they were always a bit buggy but coming out with something new, even if unfinished. I remember the Hopper came out without a item texture and stayed that way for most of the 1.5 snapshots. 1.4 came out with the wither and either skeletons, with a ton of bugs being associated with both. We don't care that when they're shown in the snapshot, they're far from finished, the point of the snapshots is to get a snapshot of what the developers are doing, even if it's unfinished. Yea, they should take their time with the update but the presedent of previous snapshots, we should be atleast given something every week.
Last video
snpshot 20w51a
Axalotol? Water dog
This video news!
Bug fixes
New sub 😀
The reason why they didnt release 20w52a is because they're on holiday break…………. but still, good video 🙂
I had a idea of tridents with loyalty enchantments can be able to hit the mob while your trident goes back to you. Just like a boomerang
dutch people gang!
It's based off a shiny mudkip not a regular mudkip
I Think there is no longer of 20w52a snapshots! Is New Year 2021 right! but i think is 21w01a!
woow me brazil
its 20w51a not 52a
What's wrong with you mojang if next week no snapshot in quiting playing Minecraft and if you agree like this comment
Abi bu nasıl mobile indiriliyor
I already knew that this was going to happen because they were on holiday vacation!