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Part 1 of the Minecraft Caves and Cliffs update has released! Minecraft 1.17 adds tons of new blocks to the game including Copper, Amethyst, and candles. In this announcement video I talk about the update and give a quick overview. BIG BREAKDOWN TOMORROW!

Cool Trailer β†’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0maWbr0FHKY

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β€’ Some Playlists β€’
The Minecraft Guide β†’ https://bit.ly/35qtBfq
Minecraft Tutorials β†’ https://goo.gl/qvZrH3
Minecraft 1.17 Update β†’ https://bit.ly/3ijOZGe

if you read this comment β€œcopper”

#minecraft #cavesandcliffs


33 thoughts on “MINECRAFT 1.17 IS OUT NOW + A QUICK OVERVIEW!”

  1. Ok i love the minecraft update even tho i don't have a real minecraft in my phone i only have crafting and building when the update comes the creator of crafting and building didnt hear the news so atleast i have real minecraft in my PC πŸ˜€

  2. I wonder about the versions. If you start a world on 1.17, I wonder if the generated world will work with the next part of the update. Should we wait if we're specifically waiting for the cave's update?

  3. ………… 😢😢😢😢😢😢😳😳😳😳😳😳😯😯😯😯😯 No no no NO!!!? Why its 2 days ago ………..😀😀😀😀😀😠😠😠😠😠😠😑😑😑😑😑☹️☹️☹️

  4. Jesus crist died to save u from ur sins so u might be saved πŸ’ if u repent to accept his love πŸ™πŸ½and turnπŸ›‘πŸšΆπŸ½β€β™‚οΈβ†©ur life to crist✝️ for salvation and the real love ❀of the truth πŸ’–.the world and pleasures & things of this world are fakeπŸ•³πŸ–€ and a lieπŸ’”thinkπŸ€”. Even if u don't believe me say Jesus crist come in to my heart so u might be saved no harm in that .Jesus is the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except thru him.

  5. ok, now that i actually see the video again, i see it was a joke (i hope) since you clearly didn't connect the portal all the way. but something has been on my mind since 1.17: You can't get to The End. now, you can get to the dragon, that's fine, but once you try to ender pearl where the EndCities are: You are trapped in an endless void. sure, you can TP to a Endcity, but the chunks don't load up right.

  6. So this my first minecraft update. Please tell me I'll see all these in my current world. Been working about 3 months to re create all hyrule and I rage quit if not everything is accessible lol?

  7. Day 159 of commenting whatever it says in the description "copper"

    Day 59 of reminding Wattles to repair Wattler.

    Watch the intro of episode 16 of the Guide, Wattles said something very interesting.


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