Minecraft 1.16.3 Texture Packs – Top 5 Texture Packs for Minecraft 1.16.3

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What are the best Minecraft texture packs for 1.16.3? Well, in this video, we go over the top 5 texture packs and resource packs for Minecraft 1.16.3. We go over both as texture packs and resource packs are actually the exact same thing. From medieval texture packs to texture packs that make Minecraft look and feel like real life, this list has the best 1.16.3 Minecraft texture packs!

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Download John Smith Legacy: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/JohnSmithLegacy
Download Faithful: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/Faithful
Download Sapixcraft: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/Sapixcraft
Download LB Photo Realism: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/LBPhotoRealism
Download Pixagraph: https://TheBreakdown.xyz/Pixagraph
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About this video: This video is our top 5 list of the best resource packs in Minecraft 1.16.3. No matter what kind of texture pack you want in Minecraft 1.16.3, this video has the perfect one for you. From medieval texture packs to realistic resource pack to comic book/cartoon style resource packs, this video really does have it all. We even have a list of 10 additional resource packs in the description above if you can’t find the perfect one on this list. Thus, without any more delay, here are the the top 5 texture packs for Minecraft 1.16.3.

First up on our list is John Smith Legacy. This is a medieval style resource pack that achieves the medieval look without making things super dark and unappealing like some medieval texture packs out there. Ores are also made very clear, but still work in builds which is great, and everything including menus are completely custom. This gives you a medieval feel from the time the resource pack is put on until you are done playing.

Next up, we have Faithful. Faithful tries to keep true to vanilla Minecraft while smoothing out textures and making things cleaner. It truly is like vanilla Minecraft with an increased, cleaner look. The Faithful texture pack is actually my favorite resource pack, and the one that I personally use.

Third on our list is Sapixcraft. This is a more cartoony style texture pack with bright, vibrant greens, and deeper blues. This really gives Minecraft a comic book style that is good look at and makes Minecraft just simply feel fun. The textures are also pretty smooth adding to the cartoon vibe.

If you want Minecraft to look like real life, LB Photo Realism is for you. It takes all of Minecraft’s textures and makes them realistic looking. From tools to dirt, grass, and tress, Minecraft 1.16.3 looks like real life with this texture pack. So much so, it can sometimes make Minecraft feel a little too real for my tastes.

Last but not least, we have the Pixagraph resource packs. This pack is a more realistic looking cartoony style packs somewhere between Faithful and Sapixcraft. The textures are smoother and give Minecraft a cartoony look while still having a vanilla Minecraft vibe.

And there you have it! That is our list of the top 5 resource packs for Minecraft 1.16.3. If you have any questions about these texture packs, be sure to let us know in the comment section down below, and if we did help you find the perfect Minecraft 1.16.3 texture pack, be sure to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already. It really helps us out, and it means a ton to me!

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23 thoughts on “Minecraft 1.16.3 Texture Packs – Top 5 Texture Packs for Minecraft 1.16.3”

  1. On one of your latest videos, I downloaded a rescourse pack (sorry if i spelt it wrong) And I got this notifocation infected thing and it spammed 18+ texts like if u wanna F me and stuff. I don't know if you added it but just fix it please, i had to remove it and its not rlly a big deal but theres other younger kids that dont actually knows and learns 18+ by this.

  2. Can somebody help me? i do not have an issue with installing this video, but i am having an issue with the modded 1.16.1 server! if anyone has made a modded server, you know what i will talk about. wehn i run the bat file AFTER i changed the eula to true, and changed the forge file name to forgeserver.jar, it STILL SAYS "Error: Unable to access jarfile forgeserver.jar" PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!


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