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We’ll be showing you all the duplication glitches currently working in Minecraft 1.16.3 Java. All of these glitches work on singleplayer however some also work on multiplayer. If you have any questions please comment them below and ill do my best to reply to them and if you found the video helpful please drop a like and subscribe.

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#Minecraft #Duplication #Glitch


46 thoughts on “Minecraft 1.16.3 – ALL WORKING DUPLICATION GLITCHES *UPDATED*”

  1. That worked with me, but with a chest… with you want to duplicate more items just exit to the menu (saving the game) with every item you want to duplicate in your inventory, reopen the world, put everything in the chest and then close de game in the task manager … reopen the game and you will have items in the chest and in the inventory 🙂 you're welcome haha

  2. I am just curious what your PC specs are because I cannot seem to get the crafting table dupe to work. I have a mid-range PC from a few years ago and I turned shaders to the max and 48 render distance and it didn't work. I know it does because you and other have been able to do it.


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