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Minecraft Sky Bee! I’m trying to make marble bees so that we can make a start on Astral Sorcery in order to move on to blood magic. Ped’s working on glass bees for Boba’s builds and we seem to have a Bacon bee…?
Minecraft Sky Bees is a multiplayer, skyblock modpack where bees are the main generation of sources. Led by a quest book, there are 60 resource bees, and over 140 mods installed.
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#Minecraft #SkyBees #Yogscast
Ravs I watched that video about the shrooms too, it was very interesting
If you want to go with what most would call the largest organism on Earth, Pando would be the winner versus the honey fungus. (Pando is super fascinating too, highly recommend learning a bit about it to anyone reading this).
Name the pig, Simone Hoggydew.
Isn't a mushroom permiating your house the plot of the Super Mario Bros. movie?
Why did the bacon bee go away .
Cause he had eat his meal
ah the trophy collection begins
Bobbawick time for her chicken and sons
Use the Item User from Cyclic instead of the dispenser on the hives. It works so much better. Doesn't spit out the shears and you don't need the observer either. You just set the timer to go off every now and then.
How did Dunc get so bad at Redstone? xD
Not loving the unnecessary muzak but the series is otherwise great, keep it up gang!
The redstone torch is burning out cause of one more redstone
Anyone know how/where to catch these streams?
nobody's going to see this but id like to thank the editor that gameboy ding healed the soul
When will somebody look to see if there's an auto hammer like there was in blast off where whatever you put in there it automatically hammers it to the next component and the auto siv
Stand back ravs I know how redstone works- has no clue how redstone works
Duncan literally went over, butchered Rav's chicken cooker and then walked away to do something else
stop making rooms that big already, the upgrade from the beehives are apiaries, and they require precisely 5x5x5 inside space, so the "cage" must be 7x7x7, if you start building your rooms at that size already, the conversion will be faster
Ngl I'm a sensitive guy and cried at the bees looking home
What is going on with that chicken farm. Doesn't need a clock or a daylight thingy just and observer pointed at the dispenser to make it fire when the inventory changes
Fun fact: I have a little league baseball trophy where they messed up my name and it says Jeremy Crisp. So I approve of that name for the zombie piglin in the boat
If you have lava constantly clocking the drops will be destroyed lol
Meanwhile, Boba's POV (zoom and enhance!) 12:36
"But it's terrifying because it's a living thing that realizes you're in the house" But that's just my cats
Big Star Trek Discovery vibes from them talking about the mushroom smart house
I think you can repair the ender cake with ender eyes
man I wanna give ravs a much better version of his automatic chicken farm but I feel like I'm gonna disrespect him for his idea of automatic chicken farm
It is considered a single organism because they have individual mushrooms on the surface but they are all connected by there mycyliam network underground. They found that energy signals are sent between individual shrooms underground technical making them a single organism spanding 30-40 miles and is still growing.
Bee's just kind fly into the void then freeze, their AI just locks up.
Loving the series. It’s my comfort videos for sure
"Chris p bacon." Oh like the pig in banjo tooie that takes pictures cool.
Commenting for the algorithm
I'm so sad it was 'à mushroom' and not 'actually it's your mother'
Lol, them trying to figure out xisumas burn out clock on chicken cooker