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Minecraft traps are waaaayyy too easy to avoid. Eating a golden apple, wearing armor, and even walking around them is usually enough to beat any minecraft trap. So today I am going to engineer what I think to be the best and deadliest possible trap in Minecraft. And afterwards test it against the two most untrappable minecraft players from lifesteal SMP: rekrap2 and Parrot
Featuring the one and only: @rekrap2 & @Parrot
this video is actually a remake of one of my old videos that I think deserved more views and I didn’t do it justice in the past. If you’ve seen that one then thanks for sticking around lol
➤➤ Twitter: https://twitter.com/WifiesWasTaken
➤➤ Discord: https://discord.gg/zAWUuWb
Castle in the intro: https://bit.ly/3OaPYbu
Detectors by MethodZz: https://bit.ly/3RJNzr1
Computer virus footage: https://bit.ly/3oben5Y
Music from Epidemic Sound EXCEPT
Aizen theme (Treachery): https://bit.ly/3zge14l
Low of Solipsism: https://bit.ly/3aNdLke
no money tho 🙁
(worth it)
This is a series called Minecraft VVSauce where I explore random features of Minecraft. Not Minecraft, but the water rises or Minecraft Manhunt but a more research based series dedicated to over-answering questions you never asked.
what's an elytra?
Theres no words to describe this. Out of all the traps ive made over the years ive never thought of using a chunkban, yet alone all the other mechanisms that activated. I dont know how anyone could think of this, This is absolutely Awesome
2:36 theres almost nothing they can do to A – VOID it
big brain
the could use enderperals, also you could have just had one layer of grass with a regular void trap
That went from 0-100 real quick
You use a elytra to fly bro xD I love your void plus here's a tip people can use there pick after fire resistance
why did they not take chorus fruit if you eat it while falling into the void it will teleport you to land
I thought about a chunk ban but not erasing the whole chunk.
Or you could use bedrock. Just saying.
What do you mean you can't get bedrock in survival mode? Break the nether roof!
I love seeing Parrot and rekrap collabing!
Or maybe just a sculk scencor
100000/10 Trap
And I am the One that’s also looking for traps
My brain while u were explaining how this trap works: "so… Umm… Well I just died because of how smart someone has to be to build this MONSTROSITY called trap, wich means… To smart=brain go boom. "
You could have used end crystal because it can 1 hit you in full netherite protection 4 armor
umm, what if they have an elytra…
holy cow lifesteal needs that
ez bedrock
Not a trap
Why not just keep them banned??? That’s equal if not worse than death
Well, that escalated quickly.
Give me 6 months I’ll make a better trap
But how did they get kicked or whatever
couldn't of been a better trap
I love this video concept. For years I had a Minecraft brainstorm of my own— rather than an inescapable trap, what would make for a truly impossible-to-penetrate base? Just like you had thought about it for so long, I also could not think of a way that could not be countered.
I would love if you made this into a video. If you do I’ll donate $20!
Nice trap
A vvoiidit hahahahaHAHHAHAHA
They could use ender pearls to ender pearl at the end
But if you have an elytra can’t you just fly out
pressure plate which teleports them into the void
10 outta 10
So technically you could do that in survival if you poured enough time into it… right?
Wat about clown peacer
just trap them in a bedrock box ez bro
oh well, if the guy who said that he would make a tnt cannon actually made a cannon, he would avoid the hole cuz he would be standing in a higher ground
Me Finding A Counter Litraly 20 seconds after u explained the trap place ("water when it explodes and when u relog after ban just ride on water and be wearing netherite unbreaking 3 blast prot 4")
the way this is entirely possible in survival
You’s skulk Spenser’s
Your great
I love your videos
But.. they didn’t die
:0 69/10
aint no way
Tutorial please
u just need like 12 bedrock