Making the Best Trap in Minecraft

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

Minecraft traps are waaaayyy too easy to avoid. Eating a golden apple, wearing armor, and even walking around them is usually enough to beat any minecraft trap. So today I am going to engineer what I think to be the best and deadliest possible trap in Minecraft. And afterwards test it against the two most untrappable minecraft players from lifesteal SMP: rekrap2 and Parrot

Featuring the one and only: @rekrap2 & @Parrot

this video is actually a remake of one of my old videos that I think deserved more views and I didn’t do it justice in the past. If you’ve seen that one then thanks for sticking around lol

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Castle in the intro:
Detectors by MethodZz:
Computer virus footage:
Music from Epidemic Sound EXCEPT
Aizen theme (Treachery):
Low of Solipsism:
no money tho 🙁
(worth it)

This is a series called Minecraft VVSauce where I explore random features of Minecraft. Not Minecraft, but the water rises or Minecraft Manhunt but a more research based series dedicated to over-answering questions you never asked.


45 thoughts on “Making the Best Trap in Minecraft”

  1. My brain while u were explaining how this trap works: "so… Umm… Well I just died because of how smart someone has to be to build this MONSTROSITY called trap, wich means… To smart=brain go boom. "

  2. I love this video concept. For years I had a Minecraft brainstorm of my own— rather than an inescapable trap, what would make for a truly impossible-to-penetrate base? Just like you had thought about it for so long, I also could not think of a way that could not be countered.
    I would love if you made this into a video. If you do I’ll donate $20!

  3. Me Finding A Counter Litraly 20 seconds after u explained the trap place ("water when it explodes and when u relog after ban just ride on water and be wearing netherite unbreaking 3 blast prot 4")


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