making minecraft diamond pickaxe in 38 seconds November 19, 2020 by Im Rtg Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ [FOR YOU INFORMATION] – Yeas, this video is cutted – Its the joke of the video ——————————————— i found shiny blue rocks. [!] everyone like that. source
Bro even you skip part you lie it was even that second you said on it kid so you so lies so I disliked Reply
Fake fake and moreFake he is cutting because he has to cheat to get diamonds SMH dud I found them in 3 minutes SMH try another game Reply
He fast forward it so it would look like he actually done it but is is not true because he fast forward it to make I look like he actually has but he didnt Reply
Omfz how are people unable to understand the joke?! Just chill wtf
I thought this was dream because of the skin🤣🤣🤣
This video skips a few seconds.This is way longer
But u cut some parts
By the way love ur videos ❤️❤️❤️❤️
It is 40 sec
How did you get dreams skin
Time lapse to right amont of seconds
bruh now i understand the joke he tryna be like dream
That is just put by part by part so. Everyone it’s a fake dream
Bro even you skip part you lie it was even that second you said on it kid so you so lies so I disliked
Give me 3 diamonds and 2 sticks and i could make it under 3 seconds
Way longer then 38 but still loved it
Is this man really playing windows 10 edition lmao
Fake fake and more
Fake he is cutting because he has to cheat to get diamonds SMH dud I found them in 3 minutes SMH try another game
Why wear the dream skin gay
Dream stans tho am I right or am I right?
My respect for you when I realized you had a dream skin ⤵️
This is fake the diamond was a paid actor
Even lags in fancy graphics off😂
He fast forward it so it would look like he actually done it but is is not true because he fast forward it to make I look like he actually has but he didnt
Didn't see any cut what u talkin' about
I can do it faster!
Lot of cuts lol
That is a lie
Dean dont play on Mobile he plays on PC loser
This is dream
So guys I did some off camera mining
Fact: Everyone Literally Using Dream Skin
Wow you are trying to be like dream
Imagine using dream skin though
Us x toe kill frend
When you realize the vid was 39 seconds 😭
Damn everyone using the dream skin
The power of edition
You’re literally playing PE why do you have a fucking dream skin 😂