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In this Minecraft redstone video, Mumbo uses the immersive portals mod to create an impossible base in Minecraft. Just like the Mumbo Tardis in Minecraft video, this makes use of the immersive portals mod to create non-Euclidian geometry in Minecraft, allowing us to have rooms that are positioned in illogical ways.
Tardis in Minecraft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_Mgg8ZbG9M
Immersive Portals mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/immersive-portals-mod
Filming channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThatMumboJumbo2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialmumbo/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatMumboJumbo
These portals are so immersive that I forgot I was actually building a bedroom in the Nether… it’s very good I didn’t test the bed!
OH, and I left the promxix part in because it made me laugh. I guess my editing mistake is not making it clear that I intentionally left it in? ha!
Mumbo says he has only 2 brain cells. I guess I have none then.
He is going to sleep in neather
00:31 please tell me that was an intentional Doctor Who reference * – *
I know no one will read this, but if you could plz subscribe i am praud on you, plz no hate!
Mumbo just made a bedroom in the nether.
Who else wants to see a collab with Grian where he remodels this house!!!!
He does know the bed will explode if he sleeps in the nether
I don’t have any problems understanding complicated redstone, but these portals are just way too confusing …
You can create portals looking at a block and using a command: "/portal make_portal <width> <height> <to-dimention> <coordinates>" and you even can change portal rotation using "/portal set_portal_rotation_along <rotation> <angle>" and delete a portal using "/portal delete_portal" and you can create round portals looking at a portal and using "/portal make_portal_round" and you can edit portal nbt data using "/portal set_portal_nbt {<nbt>}" and see nbt data using "/portal set_portal_nbt {}" or "/portal view_portal_data"
This is already amazing work in 4D, but you only had one other dimension to work with.
Does anyone know if this mod works with the crystal portals from Mystcraft? That would be incredible, as it would give you unlimited dimensions to work with.
0:56 did he just say the same stuff twice?
This is not really an impossible thing, as i know from watching Crainer
Question, if you cant sleep in the nether, why can I sleep in the Netherlands biome? xD
Are you able to place the portals by themselves, with the give command, and have them still work???
test with end portals
also try jumping in the void in the end
the result will surprise you
Hey mambo scar lost the deed of your base.
i think this would work better if the hub was in the Nether, considering then you'd actually be able to sleep without dying. :p
"My little brain" then procedes to make complicated nether portal and redstone maths
if you haven''t already you should switch to the fabric version, it lets you make portals that dont switch dimensions and also allow you to change what the portal is made of once you create it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EroGVajadtg&t=356s is a pretty good tutorial video for it
You could have added more portals as windows back to different biomes in the overworld which would have been cool.
You could also make a corridor with doors to "different worlds"…
Let’s wait for the wide Mumbo memes to start flowing in
I only have 2 brain cells says a redstone genius
Mumbo, Please get your base back, iskall is going to try to and so is grain u worked so hard on base scar will prob trade back. U must fight the urge to be king of drills and get ur base back plzzz
Mumbo I challenge you to build a complex Redstone build using leaves. Leaves are able to send a Redstone signal through them to know when chopping a tree which leaves to break.
It might be challenging but at least try. For the fans.
huge house with a small room inside
Hey mumbo, would it be possible to make a pistol door that only can be opened at night, kinda like the door in the hobbit
Could you try the little tiles mod for a video
I'm sure this comment will get buried, but you should try to make a bunker base or labyrinth or "witches house" using this mod and redstone mechanics, with either "disguised" portals (e.g. cover up the obsidian) or self-building nether portals with redstone mechanics so your closet turns into your living-room at the touch of a button.
Regardless, you should at least try covering up the obsidian next time anyways for a more "immersive" look.
No 10 hour loading screen when travelling to and from the nether!? Madness
What mod I this
Did Mumbo just accidentally create a real mirror?
No one:
Doctor who logic: 4:43
I loved this video and the mod!
Now you are thinking with portals. But remember the cake is a lie.
its smaller on the outside!
Hey Mumbo, I have a cool redstone video! Why not make a rubix cube combination lock? I know everyone will love watching you get stressed out over it (just kidding)! Please do tell me on discord if it was my comment that is added! My discord is CodeUniverse012#9497