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NEW MINECRAFT SERIES! In episode one of Minecraft Lucky Block Mobs we make a new world and get started. Lucky Block Mobs is a Minecraft Survival Mod Datapack combo where every mob drop has been replaced with lucky blocks. We could get something great, bad, or weird. LEAVE A LIKE FOR NEW SERIES!
mod – https://www.luckyblockmod.com/
datapack – https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/mobs-drop-lucky-blocks/
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if you read this comment “dua”
#minecraft #luckyblock
I’d definitely watch a full survival series of this
C'mon people we need more likes on this video!!
A diamond approves of this video 💎💎💎💎◾️out of 💎💎💎💎💎
Why 4 and not 5
I disliked, but not bcs I don’t like the Video, but bcs I don’t like you playing mods
wattles: Mining diamond block with stone pickaxe
Me: nnnnnoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot get the mod to work… I downloaded and installed everything perfectly but when I take out a mob it just drops what it normally would
One of my favourite series, keep up the great work:)
Finally new content
dirt bridge: "its pritty cool"
Bruh stone pic diamond
i hope there will be an episode 2!
11 viewers are subscribed and I am one of them you should become the twelfth
10k – 14hrs in "it's a series."
This definitely could be a series. 🤣 Either way awesome you’re trying new things.
Wattles: it ain't much but it's honest work
Me,:ahhh I see your a man of Culter as well
hey actually before starting minecraft, i used to play a game called planet of cubes, which is essentially a copy of minecraft, with crappy mechanics. Anyways, random mystery blocks would spawn in the world, and you'd have to break it to get loot. the worst thing I got was a charged creeper and a tnt, which both blew up in my base.
love it!
Please make this a series the idea seems very fun!
i had anxiety when I saw that …
Comeon just 2k more
To the 1% of people who see this, I hope you have a wonderful day and stay safe and healthy!
I want moooore lol
'dua' is "two" in Indonesian … just so you know
Wattles you can upgrade luck on lucky bow by putting together with resources like iron etc. It will become OP and you can even enchant it.
KILL the cow, The LUCKY cow, it needs to be destroyed, it is , it is , it issss, uhgh just forget it! pleaseeeee killl ITT