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Background Music:
“Night out” by LiQWYD https://www.youtube.com/c/LiQWYD
▼ Players featured in this episode, thanks everyone!:
Couriway https://www.twitch.tv/couriway
Feinberg https://www.twitch.tv/feinberg
MrBenjamIn https://www.twitch.tv/mrbenjamln
zackplayswastaken https://www.twitch.tv/zackplayswastaken
Benex https://www.twitch.tv/benex
DameTheDime https://www.twitch.tv/damethedime
Jiggbean https://www.twitch.tv/jiggbean
KoalaWithSkills https://www.twitch.tv/koalawithskills
TapL https://www.twitch.tv/tapl
NiccoloAndDanieleGaming https://www.twitch.tv/niccoloanddanielegaming
SBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSB https://www.twitch.tv/sbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsb
TechnoHoodie https://www.twitch.tv/technohoodie
twgenster_lp https://www.twitch.tv/twgenster_lp
DoinkExe https://www.twitch.tv/doinkexe
Nitr0si https://www.twitch.tv/nitr0si
Elysaku https://www.twitch.tv/elysaku
lukeafkfan https://www.twitch.tv/lukeafkfan
MathoX https://www.twitch.tv/mathox
ThomasTheSapling https://www.twitch.tv/thomasthesapling
TjanTV https://www.twitch.tv/tjantv
AndyrueSDG https://www.twitch.tv/andyruesdg
Dreemtum https://www.twitch.tv/dreemtum
ItismeKD https://www.twitch.tv/itismekd
ItsTopsy https://www.twitch.tv/itstopsy
Misstrixtin https://www.twitch.tv/misstrixtin
MRCoffeeTV https://www.twitch.tv/mrcoffeetv
mutedrediban https://www.twitch.tv/mutedrediban
N1cohd1_live https://www.twitch.tv/n1cohd1_live
Nerdi https://www.twitch.tv/nerdi
babatubb https://www.twitch.tv/babatubb
LobbyLC https://www.twitch.tv/lobbylc
SpagZetti https://www.twitch.tv/spagzetti
DarniaX https://www.twitch.tv/darniax
Please note: On Gamers React, you will discover highly edited gaming clips from streamers. Clips used in the video are submitted by fans through our email and discord server. I spend over 12 hours per video editing to transform these clips into something that has never been seen before! There is also commentary from me that is included within the video for either added entertainment or to highlight something the audience may have missed out on without said commentary. My edits include creative subtitles, that we edit (it may go bigger or smaller based on the person’s speech or have some other kind of edit). Creative sound effects like cartoon effects when someone either falls from a high place, hits the ground, falls in lava, dies in the game, and much more. We include many memes in the video to make the video more entertaining for the viewer to watch as well as include many green screen effects to make the videos more comical and creative. We also spend time zooming in on peoples faces as well as zooming into certain parts of the video to highlight something the viewer may be missing out on if there were no zoom ins. We also manipulate audio or video in our clips to ensure there is no dead air for our viewers to watch. Over 50 clips are used in every video and we come up with a creative way to alter EVERY SINGLE clip to make it our own and UNIQUE to OUR channel. The majority of the unedited (or original) version of the clips I use can NOT be found anywhere else on YouTube. If you have any concerns or want a clip of yours removed, please send an email at [email protected]
in my minecraft word i find 19 diamonds
welcome to beluga-verse we make eachother laugh
Two weeks ago I was mining with my dad on a server to try and find a nether fortress and I fell into a giant straight down drop and my dad could get retrieve my stuff and lost at least two stacks of gold nuggets, three diamonds, an emerald, and a full set of iron armour but me nor my dad knew how to “clip” things so I’m just putting it it in comments
0:32 is actually "a mother spawner" xd
3:02 well my friend found a pink sheep and he is not a pro
Please create pocket eddito server please
Good wok dude
I didn't even know that finding woodland mansions was rare because I have found so many in my time playing the game and I just thought that it was normal
5:58 I found 11 diamonds in one vain in minecraft before.
I found a destroyedportal at Y: -48 . Is this rare?
I have a server that has a pink sheep, a path under a the castle in a village, and soo much more.
well hardcore dead best unlucky
Gamers React add this video to the lucky moment video:https://youtu.be/hVN5w7XknJs
minutes:15:46 to 16:02 minutes
Gamers react
My first vid is lucky
Bruh you can see in Channel Named GELOO he was got 18 diamond veins on his puasa X hardcore 100 days
lol i found 18 diamond veins
nooooooooooooooooob ahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahah youuuu zagggggg noooobb aliiii
i got a mending book from fishing, and i didn't even now what it does
where slap i dont sub ?? 0:25
Also the dude that got "4" god apples actually got five.?
0:56 the way the guy just WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa
Abe tu mere samne to aa slap kia ho ta he me tujhe chumjhata hu
so im part of 0.005% of lucky player cuz i found 13 vein of diamond on the lapiz but died
i same at 5:48 but it was 8 diamonds