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LUCKIEST Minecraft Plays Of ALL TIME #6
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❤️ Forsen https://www.twitch.tv/forsen
❤️ Illumina1337 https://www.twitch.tv/illumina1337
❤️ Sethbling https://www.twitch.tv/sethbling
❤️ Smallant https://www.twitch.tv/smallant
❤️ Radvr https://www.twitch.tv/radvr
❤️ Dreamwastaken https://www.twitch.tv/dreamwastaken
❤️ Dylqnnnn https://www.twitch.tv/dylqnnnn
❤️ Dowsky https://www.twitch.tv/dowsky
❤️ Georgenotfound https://www.twitch.tv/georgenotfound
❤️ Teosgame https://www.twitch.tv/teosgame
❤️ Scump https://www.twitch.tv/scump
❤️ Karljacobs https://www.twitch.tv/karljacobs
❤️ Jjason135 https://www.twitch.tv/jjason135
❤️ Dav1e https://www.twitch.tv/dav1e
❤️ Xqcow https://www.twitch.tv/xqcow
❤️ Couriway https://www.twitch.tv/couriway
❤️ Thego0gley https://www.twitch.tv/thego0gley
❤️ Rekagan https://www.twitch.tv/rekagan
❤️ Gal_platinum https://www.twitch.tv/gal_platinum
❤️ Itztophinator https://www.twitch.tv/itztophinator
❤️ Linkzzey https://www.twitch.tv/linkzzey
❤️ Sb737 https://www.twitch.tv/sb737
❤️ Ranboolive https://www.twitch.tv/ranboolive
❤️ T_wagz https://www.twitch.tv/t_wagz
❤️ President_poundcake https://www.twitch.tv/president_poundcake
❤️ Cojomax99 https://www.twitch.tv/cojomax99
❤️ Samifying https://www.twitch.tv/samifying
❤️ Ninjabrain1 https://www.twitch.tv/ninjabrain1
❤️ Gob1inking21 https://www.twitch.tv/gob1inking21
❤️ Justvibingwus https://www.twitch.tv/justvibingwus
❤️ Teratornis https://www.twitch.tv/teratornis
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▶️ https://airbit.com/Leroy132
We spend over 12 hours per video editing to transform these clips into something that has never been seen before! There is also added commentary that is included within the video for either added entertainment or to highlight something the audience may have missed out on without said commentary. Edits include creative subtitles, that we edit (it may go bigger or smaller based on the person’s speech or have some other kind of edit). Creative sound effects are added to most of the clips to make the video even more entertaining with background music to make the video even more enjoyable. Here is the example of one of our videos in editing sequence – https://prnt.sc/ukzg9r
LІKE And SUBSCRІBE if you enjoyed the video 😀
Just a recommendation from a viewer, you should do more commentary over each clip, this is my own personal apinion just keep up the videos!
Can someone pls explain the video at 7:05 ?
Bruh he had a bucket lmao
POV: you have dreams luck in speedrunning
XQCOW is so lucky. 💜
Video: Luckiest Minecraft Plays Of All Time
Xqc and forsen: adios
Some of this clip are from Gamers react
Best moment: hostile mobs kill another mobs for you
5:20 is cheated, a maximum of three diamonds can possibly spawn in blacksmith chests…
Wait whatis that fortress i spawn in it a lot
clicked faster then ur mom
8:19 look at chat 😏
6:50 which language is this?.???
i like to watch these on pc. i dont get advertisement every minute 😀
illumına founded a notch apple ın a stream.
actually ı saıd before ıt happens = ı thınk there ıs a notch apple ı'm not lyıng
I got the sub one to
The thumbnail: Exists
Me:Why wld u need a nether portal to go to the end?
i just saw two achivments of a terrible fortres
Anyone here gonna talk about the thumbnail that says instant portal but on the picture there was only one eye?
Nice thumbnail
I just spawned in Front of a blaze Spawner there was no block between the nether Portal and the spawner
Me who get trident on started of game : Uhm. Ok.
Tridents have 8.5% chance of being dropped by drowned
Me killing my first ever drowned in a new minecraft world: Gets it
What mod pack is he using at 3:35?
Am I the only one that ALWAYS spawn directly in front of a nether fortress?
Lol for me at getting trident I have 93% chance, Cause just hit them when they're coming to you in water..
4:31 happened to me before
The one whit the trident is sb737 is
My favourite youtuber
DoWSKY :- Has anyone ever spwaned this close to a fotress
XCOW :- Nope we spwaned in the fotress
I found 2 fottres ini 2 play game
I remember I went to a random village with a stronghold then went to the nether then find a fortress super close to my nether spawn then found a zombie spawned Which I made into a farm…then the villagers got me mending on the very first try…a lot but sheeesh
3:30 where even is he is this like a download adventure map
7:10 well this in UNlucky, because it was like a roulete or some 💩 and he had to guess what will NOT come out
Edit: well now that i think of it it was lucky but for george
Yo dude. One guy is treaming your videos 24/7 as hes own. "Minecraft HAUSKAT HETKET Live 24/7" and channel is "Suomiklipit"
321 go holy **
Ja jak robie portal di netheru to zawsze respie sie w fortecy
Why do you have the “ like/sub for this to happen”?
1:02 so he was right
1:11 he throws fire res even tho his water was already infront of him
2:18 When it’s happens to another person oh he is not cheating but when dream does it oh he cheating bc he is a big YouTube like people are dumb
Last clip didn’t age well
They aren’t lucky, they’ve just got a really good gaming chair.
Just another fake.
Minecraft… but when suggested appears everytime I disliked the video
streamers: clip that !! clip that!!
minecraft royale : say no more