duncan do create, if you don't succeed with it now you'll be cursed to never live down how stupid you were failing at it. lol, but seriously your smart enough to do it you just rush yourself and dont think things through. try just copying some builds other people have made at least.
Imagine seeing someone's dog sleeping and then you punch it in the face and when it bites you you decide shoving a sword in it's chest is the only solution.
Listening to this with headphones on. Forgot the music for series. Spent half the episode judging people to my left because I thought they were listening to music loudly
Hydrophobia is caused by rabies because it causes the throat to swell. Rabid animals freak out when they see water because they can't drink it despite needing it.
Just saying the idea that your individual impact on the environment is minimal so it doesn't matter is a pretty dangerous- albeit quite common- mindset to have. Those plastic bottles that are sent to landfill or litter the environment do have an effect. Kinda like voting in elections, a single vote won't sway the results but every vote is still important (I think anyway idk much about politics). Of course Ravs was just messing around but there are people out there who do have this mindset, I find myself falling into this at times without even realising until afterwards.
It's easy to relate to Ravs. Why change anything about yourself when you can't change your surroundings? It's like, with all this chaos around us, life is just RNG, so might as well just not care. "The easy going nihilist" 😂
I agree with duncan, rabies is super terrifying, but to answer ped, its less that it actually creates a fear of water directly but rather it more conditions you to be terrified. From memory the way it works is that it attacks the part of your brain responsible for swallowing and causes extremely painful fasciculations (random uncoordinated contractions of the muscle) of your throat muscle. it progresses from when you attempt to drink, through to when you see water and even think about water, cause theres some subconsious preperation to drink when you see water, especially if you're thirsty. Basically the sight of water causes extreme pain which makes you terrified of the thought of water. the idea is to stop you from drinking so your infectious saliva builds up in your mouth. and yeah once symptoms have started its in your brain and the 'cure' doesnt work cause it cant get past the blood brain barrier
duncan againts killing pets hmm how many tiddles were there in the 2 digits?
English tap water is shite compared to Scottish.
If you lick someone you can tell if they're lying.
I LOVE conspiracy theorist ravs lol
Killing someone's pet seems really mean to me…
duncan do create, if you don't succeed with it now you'll be cursed to never live down how stupid you were failing at it. lol, but seriously your smart enough to do it you just rush yourself and dont think things through. try just copying some builds other people have made at least.
My friend is the supervisor of that Lego store so I told him they're too friendly 😂
Imagine seeing someone's dog sleeping and then you punch it in the face and when it bites you you decide shoving a sword in it's chest is the only solution.
Listening to this with headphones on. Forgot the music for series. Spent half the episode judging people to my left because I thought they were listening to music loudly
Pedguin Pet-Killer SMH
I hate pedguin.
I think Boba and Duncan are my favorite duo rn even though they don't stream as a duo ever
anyone else hear the pumpkin valley song from sonic adventure 2: battle whenever they're in the pumpkin fields? lol
Ped: kicks dog
Dog: attacks Ped
Ped: "your dog attacked me for no reason and I had to kill it!"
WTF PEDGUIN! How could you kill a pet!
Ravs recycle
How does Ravs not understand that in many situations its the consumer driving the company/industrial emissions.
Duncan: i agree killing pets is not okay.
also Duncan: has killed 12 different tiddles the cat throughout his minecraft career
Hydrophobia is caused by rabies because it causes the throat to swell. Rabid animals freak out when they see water because they can't drink it despite needing it.
11:00 what Duncan said here could probably be canon for endermen, at least it aligns quite nicely with one of the game theories
Just saying the idea that your individual impact on the environment is minimal so it doesn't matter is a pretty dangerous- albeit quite common- mindset to have. Those plastic bottles that are sent to landfill or litter the environment do have an effect. Kinda like voting in elections, a single vote won't sway the results but every vote is still important (I think anyway idk much about politics). Of course Ravs was just messing around but there are people out there who do have this mindset, I find myself falling into this at times without even realising until afterwards.
The guy in the lego shop was probably suss that a 40 year old man was in a lego shop
Is this series dead too?!
Ped, ducan has probably been playing this game as long as i have, if not longer. I've been playing since 2011.
Or if you attack their master.
You failed your persuasion check ped!
i mean
The wolf attacked Ped, because prior to that Boba punched him to show Duncan the diamonds…so Boba killed her wolf really 😛
Jon Risinger of Roosterteeth can't smell but does have the ability to taste
Ped and Boba are the new duncan and kim
8:00 Lifelong anosmic here: can confirm. No smell, no taste.
It's easy to relate to Ravs. Why change anything about yourself when you can't change your surroundings? It's like, with all this chaos around us, life is just RNG, so might as well just not care. "The easy going nihilist" 😂
I agree with duncan, rabies is super terrifying, but to answer ped, its less that it actually creates a fear of water directly but rather it more conditions you to be terrified. From memory the way it works is that it attacks the part of your brain responsible for swallowing and causes extremely painful fasciculations (random uncoordinated contractions of the muscle) of your throat muscle. it progresses from when you attempt to drink, through to when you see water and even think about water, cause theres some subconsious preperation to drink when you see water, especially if you're thirsty. Basically the sight of water causes extreme pain which makes you terrified of the thought of water. the idea is to stop you from drinking so your infectious saliva builds up in your mouth. and yeah once symptoms have started its in your brain and the 'cure' doesnt work cause it cant get past the blood brain barrier