Let's Play Minecraft Survival : Villager CLIFF HOUSE and ENCHANTED ARMOR! Episode 9

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Today in the Minecraft 1.16 survival let’s play, we’re building a new villager breeder as a cliff house in our village! Then it’s time to dive into the Nether to get some levels and enchant all of our diamond armor. Hopefully we don’t die in the process and lose it all!

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31 thoughts on “Let's Play Minecraft Survival : Villager CLIFF HOUSE and ENCHANTED ARMOR! Episode 9”

  1. Hey folks! Hope you all enjoy today's episode here! Thanks so much for the crazy support on this series so far. Love you all! Please be sure to click the like button on the video!

    What should we do next?!?

  2. don't do one piece of each protection. the way that the different protection enchantments work is by adding somewhat of a counter onto one of 4 categories: Melee, Fire, Projectile, and Blast. Protection 4 adds one counter to each while a specialized protection enchantment such as fire protection or blast protection adds 2 counters to a specific area. the counters max out at 5 which is why you get the same amount of fire protection between a set of full fire protection and a set of 3 regular protection and 1 fire protection. My suggestion would be to have full protection 4 and if you really want to you can have a few pieces that you switch in for specific situations. I hope I explained this well.

  3. For the best protection you should get protection IV on the chest plate, boots, and helmet. But get fire protection IV on the leggings. This way you won't take nearly as much damage from mobs (except creepers and gasts since they would require blast protection) and it will also help you survive in lava for awhile if you accidentally fall in. But if you feel like you don't need the fire then replace it with Blast Protection for your leggings. Also just don't bother with Projectile Protection, it's fundamentally useless. Hope this helps!

  4. Hi fWhip! You probably won’t see this, but I just want to say I love the way you play Minecraft. It’s nice to see someone play Minecraft in a peaceful, building based way. Not to mention your a great narrator.

  5. I already can't wait for the world download 🙂 … If he is going to do one ofcourse! If he doesn't, I will respect that, but I will be very sad. By the way, fWhip, I love your little moments of third person perspective were I can see the build come together form a distance, but it is not a timelapse. I like that!
    You also inspired me to do similar stuff, I never did builds like this, I never build bridges! Now I learned another build style! Thanks, fWip.


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