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Back on the fishing docks, it’s time to add another building! On the Minecraft survival let’s play world, we are moving towards purifying our zombie villager friend by creating an industrial brewery for Minecraft potions!
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#Minecraft #Survival #Letsplay
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You should have a special building for each type of crafting table.
64 and 7 that is the same as Joel in his 200 days
do you prebuild your builds in creative or just make them in survival with no planning
I think you have to put all the wood of the port in the same way
"sheets"-fWip 2021
Someone please tell fwhip that fortune doesn't affect clay…you always get 4.
Take some inspiration from Sea of Thieves! The game's pirate themed island looks so good and so unique! I would love to see you build big ships and outpost.
I really liked that bit before the intro. It threw me off a bit but I liked the suspense!
Fwhip "silk touch that would be good but I already have a pixie and I am gathering clay right now" Seconds later "fourtune oh no well I am gathering clay right now" looks like "I am gathering call right now" can answer a lot of questions
I really hope you upgrade the jungle temple and build a little civilization around it in the future!
IDEA: what if above where the skeleton spawner you build a crashed air ship
Did this nigga just say that 10 gravel is a good trade for 1 gold
For the skeleton spawner make like an ancient statue carved into mountain of a skeleton head, it will add to scenery better then light house it would give it a more steam punk vibe
I thought that your name was pronounced f-whip
I get really happy when you upload because I know that every video you upload, I ALWAYS enjoy
I still hate that you didn't go back to the building with fwhip world, which you said multiple times that after the hardcore series you'd be going back to, this whole series is just bad because of that imo
This guy is the ceo of cringe
Last episode l commented about how fWhip collects wheat everytime he start's a new episode so guess he changed or is it for now 😋
Where the brewing stands are you can put 2 stairs upside down and slab connecting them instead of the full blocks that way you can put a 3 by 1 water source underneath it.
Maybe a graveyeard/crypt for the skele farm? The coastal location may prevent that from making sense.
What about building a SKULL or SKULL cave over the skeleten farm?
A lighthouse is definitely the right choice for the skeleton spawner. Since it's also super close to the hill you can also fit a secret entrance into the mountainside if you ever feel like it.
AYYYY I CALLED IT!!!!! 71 diamonds on the dot! Don't believe go to the last video and look at my comment
Hey fWhip, just a suggestion for an idea! Look up the Ponte Vecchio bridge form Florence. I think it could be cool for the stacked/row houses idea if you put a cool steampunk twist on it!
Diamonds was 71 I said 72
Why do you use sharpness enchant 🙁 doesn't it should be smite? You are not playing against players, instead of mobs. Or do i know wrong the means of enchants?
You can craft dispensers from broken bows that your xp skeleton farm gives
We all know he randomly ended up in your recommendeds and you wish you could binge him the second you discover him.
Idea for building: at some point, you should make stairs leading to the tip of the mountains, to help to walk up and down without to much effort.
You sound a little bit like scar. Like, a very energetic sounding scar.
You gotta upgrade that jungle temple!!
Really been getting into Minecraft more now
This is my favorite series of Minecraft rn keep up the good work 😁
You always seem to post when I’m at school! It makes my day when I get home after school just to see that you posted! Your videos are amazing 🙂
Is this for java or bedrock?
You should have a restraunt on the inside, then a secret brewing under ground.
Not me forgetting this isn’t hardcore and flipping when you blew up 😳
Make it a garage door! My father owns a brewery and they access their brewing area thru a garage door in the front of the building!
You should add some random steam the puffs out of areas, maybe making a little red stone clock that reveals a campfire for a second
Didn't know if you knew but in case you didn't, you can bonemeal flowers to get more flowers out of them instead of having to constantly find new ones! And with your skeleton spawner it should make it really easy! Keep up the good work!
You should place a carpet on your cow farm fence so you can het in and out rlly quick
I feel like u can put the Minecrat behind the generator things
Fwhip please make Machu Pichu with the Jungle Temple!
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