Let's Get Started! (Minecraft Starblight Desert)

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) โžœ https://minecraft.viki.gg

Etho, Pause and I begin our adventure in this Minecraft โ€œcomplete the monumentโ€ map by Mowse!
Map info: https://tinyurl.com/bdhx82wx

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22 thoughts on “Let's Get Started! (Minecraft Starblight Desert)”

  1. Etho watches Team Canada compilations? He must miss the 3 of you playing together just like us fans do.

    btw if you want to see some of those, there's a channel called teamcanadamontages that has compiled "Best Moments" for multiple TC series. But if you want to watch animatic compilations, I highly recommend "Team Canada but animated for almost 11 minutes" by sentientStump.

    I'm so happy Pause was available and willing to play with you again. The three of you together is so magical and nostalgic. And you're creating new memes already. I can already see animators and artists heavily inspired!

    I've rewatched all of the CTMs and adventure maps from the three of you multiple times; it never ever gets old. It just gets sadder as time continues by knowing that we'll never get another Team Canada series ever… and here we are in the year of our lord Mojang 2023 with a new series after all hope was lost.

    Not that you have all the time in the world to take on a new project right now but maybe in the future when you do – Team Canada merch? Please? So many of us missed out on those Team Canada Sky Factory 2.5 socks. It seems like you're the only person Etho will say yes to when it comes to merch (the socks and the HC TCG!) so I hope the three of you can make something together you're all proud of. I would buy ANYTHING Team Canada themed.

  2. After all these years, the dream team of Team Canada is back.
    Still remember the first time I knew Team Canada is you playing the Mindcrackers CTM. It was a great time and memories!


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