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Minecraft Survival Let’s Play were I will build a kelp farm. This video will explain the mechanics for growing and finding kelp. Also, how to go from finding a shipwreck with a buried treasure map to buried treasure. Last in this episode will be expanding the item sorting storage system.
SUBSCRIBE to RajCraft: https://tinyurl.com/y3q92pjy
#minecraft #survival #letsplay #lp #vanilla
RajCraft is minecraft channel that focuses on daily minecraft tutorials. The videos uploaded are meant to be short concise videos that provide information on the topic. The topics covered have included potions, mobs, crops, villager trading, ores, gameplay mechanics, enchantment and enchantment guides. There are also extensive playlists that go into detail on minecraft, for example the enchantment and enchantment guide has 57 videos.
Minecraft Enchantments and Enchantment Guides: https://tinyurl.com/y6zumxav
Where To Find Minecraft Ores: https://tinyurl.com/y4qmels2
Minecraft Mobs: https://tinyurl.com/y6j95apb
Minecraft Villager Trading: https://tinyurl.com/y3sbrcfl
Minecraft Crop Growth Rates: https://tinyurl.com/y2s9ogu8
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rajcraft1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rajcraft1/
I support u bro ❤️
The king
Love from india
Bro can you please make a slime farm 🙏🙏🙏
Bro can you please make a slime farm 🙏🙏🙏
I appreciate the amout of effort you put in these
Keep up the good work
Raj, could you do live streams on twitch ok your survival world or some speed runs? It would be great
Does someone notice that his voice is similar to Dream's voice
Don't mind me…but it's true ….
Blue ice useful for storage???? How??????
The time lapse is soothing
ay, bro. No cap my name is Raj as well
Are you from india?
Your name is in Indian and your acsent is close to British Irish and American
I think you could actually become a big creator when I use to watch start old videos of PewDiePie I use to get that feeling which also comes when I watch your video
Plz change your channel name as an gamer name
Are u indian?