Just a normal Minecraft build…

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Just a normal Minecraft build…

nothing to see here, move along.

this is totally normal, you don’t need to worry.

it’s not cursed or anything.

not like a prank or trick or anything for like a specific holiday that falls on April 1st also known as April Fools’ Day. and it revolves around the song never gonna give… just stop reading the description, watch the video ok

also made the note block cover myself 95% by ear because i’m an idiot and i nearly forgot the chords

SUBSCRIBE! ▶ http://bit.ly/SubBongs
Very cool mod I definitely may or may not have used: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/2889765-webdisplays-1-0-browse-on-the-internet-in
Original song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Rick roll but every line is an item: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnAQTm50598
Minecraft item lyric video playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLty0oKlqkHbacIxx6Z5IPCZ1jv1k-5xzA
Minecraft IGN: Bongs237
Discord server: https://discord.gg/ardVCeZ
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bongs237
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Bongs237
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/bongs237
Other social media stuff: Coming soon
Outro song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vts40jdHfo4

INFREQUENTLY asked questions
sUb fOr sUb!!1111: STOP
Do your videos get copyrighted? If I use a copyrighted song, I’ll get claimed, which means that I can’t make any money from them. I don’t care about the money though, I do this for fun 🙂
How did you get your name? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmEjA9xnqrI (no I’m not -2.34 years old)
Outro song?!!1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vts40jdHfo4
Why Do You Capitalize Every Letter In Your Minecraft Item Videos?!!!11!11! I do it because I want it to look like a “real item” and preserve the caps if you know what I mean like how netherite sword is capitalized as “Netherite Sword”
How old are you?!?! I’M NOT TELLING YOU!111 haHA xD
What games do you play? M O I N C R F A T
Creeper? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lks2j4sn1sI
Upload schedule? Once a week, usually on weekends

Insert thing about no copyright intended and stuff, this is a “””parody””” (not really)

Also I don’t care if this doesn’t get views because it’s not an item video


Also I hid a shulker box in the video, click here to see what was inside it


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