Is It Possible To Beat Minecraft Without Mining NOR Crafting?

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

hi, in this video little steve decided to play this game called β€œminecraft”. however, since little steve can’t read, he misunderstood the game title and therefore played the game without mining nor crafting. just a small misunderstanding, that’s it.
[Note: English subtitles are now available!]

[Music used]
C418 – Subwoofer Lullaby
C418 – Living Mice
C418 – Haggstorm
C418 – Chris
C418 – Aria Math
C418 – Dreiton
C418 – Mall
Rhododo – bossawaiting.mp3
Rhododo – elevatormusic.mp3
Rhododo – buildingmusic.mp3
Rhododo – tinyepicattempt.mp3
Rhododo – pianooutromuffled.mp3


44 thoughts on “Is It Possible To Beat Minecraft Without Mining NOR Crafting?”

  1. every day Rhododo updates is a good day πŸ™‚
    mojang is probably crying from depression and pride at how their game is being broken
    and that desert village was kinda cursed
    love your content as always!

  2. I don't remember the commands but there's a way to allow the player to craft only what you allow him to craft. It looks something like this:
    /gamerule requirecraftrecipe true
    /recipe revoke @a *
    /recipe grant @a blaze_powder
    /recipe grant @a ender_eye

    Correct me if I'm wrong though

  3. 14:08 I believe the reason you can’t bring your horse to the nether is because you haven’t passed through the portal yet, so the portal in the nether isn’t generated, so the game has nowhere to send the horse to, so it just stays here.

    Also, there is a way around needing to craft eyes of ender, but it requires changing the rules of this run (while still being no mining or crafting): use a set seed, one that comes with an end portal that generates fully lit.

  4. Technically, you don't need eyes of ender to find the stronghold. And very technically you don't need them to enter the end. Just find a stronghold with every portal frame block initially filled.


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