honestly if this mod has a website they should just put this short on there because this is the best advert for a mod I've seen like dANG that loaded ALL THAT so quick that's bonkers woah
At this point just download all the mods from fabulously optimised and throw nvidium in there if it isn't in there already. Unfortunately only works on nvidia graphics cards, if you want to run it it forces you to have an OS that supports the needed drivers for such a card
Nvidium is one of the most impressive mods ive ever used, i have a rtx 4080 so chunks load so quickly. Only time i dip under 165 fps is when i have 1000+ chunks loaded and thats because im running out of ram from all the block data being stored in memory. Keep in mind i have 64gb ddr5 and have like half that dedicated to minecraft when loading stuff like full cities
Thats actually insane
use nvidium + bobby and u can see hella far
I love this guy music taste
scoffs in bedrock, a mile away from you
(But you saw it)
Stand when he discovers hardware optimization: 🥴
try using c2me a mod for load chunks faster
One sad thing about nvidium is that it doesnt work eith shaders im p sure
honestly if this mod has a website they should just put this short on there because this is the best advert for a mod I've seen like dANG that loaded ALL THAT so quick that's bonkers woah
Bro, is that Shiganshina ? 💀
Bedrock rendering is more smooth than java i whonder why??
What mod gives that zoomed out camera?
He went full Italian with "SIXTY F P ESSE 🤌!"
Where is the catch?
why bro kinda cute
If this man can do such thing with only debug stick imagine what he can do with display entities
Nvidium is only available on RTX cards.
Hilarious to see this short after just watching how laggy building the wall was
Give us an entire modlist, please
Multithreaded chunk loading with the optimizations originally introduced by Paper is a wonder
bro is cooking
Im feeling that happiness because im playing on 2 chunks load xD
Just use DH (Distinct horizons 2.0)
The cook doesn't use bobby???
Is the Titan the next step
At this point just download all the mods from fabulously optimised and throw nvidium in there if it isn't in there already. Unfortunately only works on nvidia graphics cards, if you want to run it it forces you to have an OS that supports the needed drivers for such a card
Wait there’s an ocean…. Oh no
he installed better fps 😭
what mods do you use?
Only works on GTX 16xx or higher. Cool, but almost useless.
Man this looks like such a pretty town! I sure hope nothing bad ever happens to it!
Nvidium is one of the most impressive mods ive ever used, i have a rtx 4080 so chunks load so quickly. Only time i dip under 165 fps is when i have 1000+ chunks loaded and thats because im running out of ram from all the block data being stored in memory. Keep in mind i have 64gb ddr5 and have like half that dedicated to minecraft when loading stuff like full cities
bro you should try vintage story, it has way more build potential than mc
I hadd a question dose you building style don’t make mincraft lagg a lot with all the entity’s ?
Why did that "WHAT" sound like plinkton😂
First rtx shaders now this. Getting an AMD card 5 years ago was the biggest mistake of my minecraft life.
Bruh haha