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This update is HUGE, with lots of things good and bad… everything from spectator mode, to infinite XP bugs, the removal of shaders for mobile… lots of parity changes, and many more! Full change logs are linked below.
If you enjoy both my update video’s, as well as my beta / snapshot video’s, please drop me a comment and let me know! Also, please go upvote the portal breaking bug report!
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Some or all background music attributed to Harris Heller and Streambeats, who offer DMCA/Copywrite free music excellent for video’s and streams.
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LMAO the death at 6:45 was not necessary… he could have simply moved towards the river and landed in the water…really a rookie mistake and a waste of XP
Shaders removed and change by render dragon
People who didnt use shaders: 😎
People who like shaders: 😭
People who using night Vision pack but now it didnt work because they just remove the shaders: and we take it personally
Thanks prowl.
Oh man, these fixes are hurting me.
My favourite mob-proof doorway was half slabs on each side of a 1-high wall. You could just jump over it but all mobs saw it as a full stop.
All my castles use these in major doorways, all my farms and open villager spaces use these to keep mobs in, and it was oh so aesthetic (cause carpet on top of a fence is so ugly)
I was wondering why my shaders weren’t working after I updated and tried to play
oh im so glad that xp bug is back cause i have been struggling to get xp rn. i just joined my friends realm and he has it on peaceful at the moment so the only way for me to get a bunch of XP is through fishing which took forever cause i havent progressed much yet
What are those shaders/textures you're using? Been struggling with finding a good vibrant shader for my realm
The hunger bar change is great. Before, I would deplete my entire hunger bar just from running up 45+ stair blocks.
You can use shaders,but no all shaders
Shaders have a good chance to return in the near future.
Ever since the new update my quality on Minecraft is absolute garbage this new rendering engine sucks everything is so laggy and grainy I can't even play anymore
New update lag :((
I fucking hate it my realistic texture has gone my wormd looks ugly as fuck
Imagine using bedrock lol
How mojang was shaders are removed i feel to laggy
How do u get shader – like stuff with Renderdragon now?
I cant make my skin, i dont know why but, i dont see edit character anymore.
What is your resource pack name
My friends experienced a new bug in which placed white shulker boxes are missing/deleted by the world
I would hate to hear if Minecraft devs stop giving support to the Minecraft mobile community because we really don’t get recognition at all and the devs make it seem like mobile gaming isn’t as big than pc or console but I really hope it don’t come to that
I've had a problem with absorbing XP in the last update, when afking at my guardian farm some XP orbs would be attracted to me but not absorbed it's v annoying, bedrock sigh*
so umm night vision doesnt work?
my minecraft is so slow now 😢 it lags
Anyone having server problems due to the new update, my friend’s server is having major problems and we tried everything. Any tips will be helpful thx
My favorite shader is gone now…
Had it for four days.
R.I.P Mobile Shaders
5:12 name pack? ??
Performance has tanked on mobile. It's like budget or midrange devices cannot run the game without stutter, lag or framedrops. Disappointing
This update killed my shaders. It's not letting me download the music from the Marketplace. Lava, fire, water, and portal animations have stopped working. Can Mojang please make a "bug fix" update that doesn't create more bugs than it fixes? >:(
What shaders or texture pack?
I couldn’t get the new xp trick to work on PS.
We really miss being able to enchant without working hard.
One of my worlds is literally broken because shaders don’t work
Shader's disappearance is shocking news
Anyone know if the furnace xp glitch already is fixed?
i had problem with lag or gui
I’m experiencing a lot more bugs, too. When playing with friends, armor doesn’t show after they put it on (Though it does show up after a while), for some reason there was string above every bamboo I saw, and even more. And it sucks that shaders don’t work anymore.
How you dowload minecraft bedrock adiition
what is your shader can i have the doenload link pls
This XP glitch is not working for me
Does the xp farm work on mobile?
what rtx pack?
Can’t u downgrade Minecraft? To an older version
So bedrock only gets java parity so long as it doesn't interfere with DLC content… so its not really parity just continually nerfing the bedrock experience and punishing its largest playerbase for not being on Java even though they make far more money from bedrock?
Were people unironically using BE shaders? I think Render Dragon will bring more options for future shaders. Keyword is _I think_. All I have to go off of is one shader project that promised to bring Java quality shaders once RD came to mobile.
But like you said, I'm hoping shaders won't come back neutered like addon packs. Truth be told, they prolly will. You know they're gonna keep the good stuff only in the marketplace.
I'm sad
Good times thanks Prowl
This doesn't work in the new patch as of June in case anyone is wondering
does any of this work in 1.19?