Industry Is Happening! :: Minecraft Create Mod

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Minecraft Create with Bdubs Episode 3! Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code BDOUBLEO100.

Today on the Create SMP we build a monorail in our industrial district!

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36 thoughts on “Industry Is Happening! :: Minecraft Create Mod”

  1. One of my favorite things about this series is that the guys are having so much fun, there's no reason to sell things for diamonds. The fun they're having is the most valuable resource on this server.

  2. Glad bdubs added the mod! With his current era of focus on value and color it'll be cool to see what he can do uninhibited by limited block textures and far more creative opportunities.

  3. Loved the video @BdoubleO100! Can't wait for the next video man! Just Watched all 3 episodes of the series and loving the content! Definitely Earned a subscription from me man! Now I'm "Cogged Out" to try and Figure out a way to use the Create Mod to have Items and Possibly Mobs or Players Transported Across the Sea in Various Ships. I'm not saying anything further, you might want to talk to Tango or Keralis about that, since nothing's been….. Set in Stone LMAO! Seriously though, I don't play Minecraft, yet, but that doesn't mean I'll look at a couple of YouTube videos on it!

  4. If you want a monorail that isn't restricted to a straight line, you could do the old trick with custom minecarts and a raised "rail" of vanilla minecart rails. The custom minecart becomes the "hook" that the rest of the monorail can be built downwards from.


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