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Server IP – play.BendersMC.co (PORT – 19132)
Version – Java / Bedrock (1.20+)
Discord & Socials – https://linktr.ee/BendersMC
#minecraft #shorts #minecraftmemes
Server is Java & Bedrock 1.20+ We have a connection tutorial on Discord if you need it!📚
Some people are fucking stupid
“This is just one big ad for your minecraft server”
-Toddler named BeatingMyCock247
You do know what benders means in the UK right???
He woke up and immediately chose violence, and I respect that 👍
This is one big ad for your mc server and you cant change my mind 🗿
This goofy dude swearing? Thought I’d never see the day lol💀
Wow I'm stupid.
When I got fnaf I was 8 or 9 I didn't care about the lore in tel one day in 2015 my older brother told me it and I froze
What are those names?
Is no one talking about the dumb shits names? (Especially the 2nd one)
the second guy's username ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
THE NAME ON THE 2ND GUY "BeatingMyCock247"
How do you get the Earth spinning
Can we play this on tlauncher I really want to it seems so fun!
Your server is shit
Has nobody seen the name of the 2nd comment 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Make the strongest bender 🌋
Bro why did you say the F#!# word
Bro really said no shit, id have bonked their heads too
Will there be a fart bender?
he’s becoming more unfamily friendly and i’m here for it
Can you “plant bend” the nethier plant life?
Blitz is slowly cussing more and more, he’s tired of this shit 😭🙏
Last guys user lol
taxevader1999 vs BeatingMyCock247
Based owner
How I can get the windows m c but I cannot anything
How I can get in inventors m c I do not know them the mean
Terraria mods are better
This is just one big ad for your minecraft server smh
Your channel is so stupid go cod
How to get in discord server